Chapter 23

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The next week went by slowly, I had tests in Lit and Math, and a couple quizzes in all of my other classes, so I didn't really have time to worry about the weekend. That's when I was gonna meet up with Daniel. But it's not like I hadn't seen him since the whole incident. After I was let out of the hospital, I saw him walking around the halls at school, laughing with his friends. But we never talked, because just looking at him made me want to cry. It's bad how much I let him control my life, but ever since my family and I moved to New Jersey, I've been so much better. He's hardly crossed my mind. And the twins have occupied my thoughts ever since the beginning of school. But ever since that one text, he's all I could think about. Luckily, all this school work and studying distracted me. Speaking of, Ethan and I were at his house, studying for our Lit test. We were going through flash cards, trying to finish up all the vocabulary we had to learn.

"Ok, beleaguer?" Ethan pulled the card off of the bottom of the stack.

"Um to besiege by circling as with an army; to harass!" I smiled as I finished. Whenever I got a definition right, as a reward Ethan would toss a Cheez-it at me to catch in my mouth. So far, I've missed all of them.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded. He tossed the Cheez-it at my mouth and I actually caught it. I started clapping excitedly and Ethan started laughing. "Finally! You suck at this."

"Leave me alone." I laughed.

"Ok I think we've studied enough. How 'bout a movie?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Heck yeah." I replied.

We spent the rest of the evening watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off all cuddled up on the couch until I had to leave.

The next day was Friday, tomorrow I would meet with Daniel. I put that fact in the back of my mind and tried to focus on school. I got there right when the bell rang so I didn't have time to talk to the guys before class. The day went by quickly and before I knew it, it was the last period of the day- Lit. I walked in and sat next to Ethan.

"You ready?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I guess so. I mean we studied for like 2 hours so.." He trailed off as the teacher passed out the tests.

"Ok class, you may begin." He stated. We all flipped over the test and started scribbling down our answers. After about an hour, everyone was finished and we got the rest of class to goof off while he graded them. I immediately turned to Ethan.

"That was way easy." I grinned at him.

"I know right? We totally dominated that." He gave me a fist bump and we both laughed. We joked around with Ryan and some of our other friends until the bell rang. Ethan and I stood up at the same time.

"So... tomorrow." He started.

"Yeah. Listen, you don't have to come." I looked down at my feet.

"No. I'm coming. I wanna make sure you're ok." He put his arm around my shoulders and ruffled my hair a bit.

"Hey, stop that." I swatted his hand away and smoothed down my hair. "It's just gonna be so awkward with him. I haven't talked to him since the... incident."

"Well I can help break the ice!" He exclaimed.

"Haha, ok!" We both walked out to the parking lot where Cameron was waiting. She was going to drive me home today, since both my parents were working. We met up with Grayson on the way.

"Why don't you spend the night, Betty?" Grayson asked as we all climbed into the backseat of Cam's car.

I shrugged.

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