Chapter 12

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I ended up spending the rest of the weekend with the twins. We hung out in the shed behind their house just listening to music. Whenever a really fast-paced song came on, the boys would start dancing. It was really funny to watch because sometimes they had little dance routines. They did this one dance where they would thrust and move their arms back and forth one way, and then switch. It was really cool. Occasionally, I'd get up and dance with Grayson. Sometimes the dancing got a little suggestive, but I didn't over-do it since Ethan was there.

Whenever a slow song came on, Grayson would sit down beside me and start humming along. It was really cute. Ethan would sit on the other side of the couch and look out the window. I wanted to dance with him like I danced with Grayson, but I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. So, i settled with just staring at him, wishing he would get over his crush on me already so we could go back to being normal friends.

After we had spent a long time dancing and what not, we were all really tired.

"Let's watch a movie or something." Ethan suggested.

"Like what?" Grayson plopped down really close beside me.

"I heard Anchorman 2 was on Netflix!" I commented.

"Have you seen the first one?" Grayson asked.

"Hell yeah I love Anchorman." I looked at him, smirking.

"Well then Anchorman 2 it is!" Ethan exclaimed. He got out the remote for the tv and flipped to Netflix. He found the movie and it started playing. I snuggled up to Grayson. He lifted up the back of my shirt and started tracing circles on my back. I loved it when he did this, it made me feel like he really cared about me. I rested my head on his chest- which was a mistake since this was a funny movie. Every time Grayson laughed, my head would bob up and down. Finally, I just decided to lay beside him.

After the movie ended, Ethan went to go get us some snacks.

"I like the way you dance. Especially with me." Grayson smirked.

"I could tell. You gotta learn to control yourself." I teased him.

"It's hard when you're so goddamn sexy." He pulled me onto his lap.

"Oh yeah? Well then I'll try and become a little uglier. How bout that?" I crossed my arms.

"No no that's not what I meant." He pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Then what did you mean?" I asked.

"You know what I meant."

"No, no I don't. Enlighten me please." I tried not to smile.

"I meant, you're so sexy, it's hard to control myself. I can't stop thinking about last night and now all I want to do is make love to you. 24/7." I blushed a deep red at his words.


"No, really. I want to fuck you. Right now." He uncrossed my arms and put them on either side of him, so I had to lean down closer to his face.

"Jesus, you have a very naughty mouth." I giggled.

"Then help me shut it up." He grabbed my face and pulled me downwards. Our lips connected in a fiery hot kiss. I moved my hands to rest on his chest for balance. He put his hands on my hips and I started to move them in time with our mouths. He groaned and started sucking on my neck. I whimpered a little.

I heard a tiny cough, but I was too focused on Grayson to notice.

"Uh, guys?" I looked up, fast. It was Ethan with a bag of Cheetos and three sprites. His mouth was wide open.

"Oh my god." I said as I climbed off of Grayson. He quickly found a pillow to put over his lap.

"I'm so sorry." I said. "We just got a little carried away."

Ethan gulped. "Um, that's-" he cleared his throat. "That's ok." I nodded really fast, unsure of what to say. "Uhhh..." He awkwardly looked at the couch and then at me a couple times before sitting down. "I brought Cheetos and sprite." He held them up.

"Thanks." I took two sprites from him and handed one to Grayson. He was still covering his lap with a pillow. This was way too awkward.

"Um, maybe I should leave now?" I suggested.

"NO!" Both of the boys screamed. I jumped.

"Sorry, but we kinda need to finish something." Grayson said as he nodded towards his crotch. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you have a picture of me or something?" I whispered.

"Wait, pictures..?" Ethan piped up.

"No, not like that. It's a picture of me fully clothed, I promise." I assured Ethan. "I think I'll just text my dad." They both sighed, but agreed. Moments later my dad texted me saying he was here.

"Bye," both of the boys said.

"Bye! Love ya'll!" I kissed Grayson on the lips and hugged Ethan. I hurried quickly out the door, happy to be out of that situation.

Later that night while doing homework, I got two texts at once.

Whatever Grayson tells you, I promise it's not true.

You know Ethan got a boner watching us. I got so pissed at him.

I gasped and covered my mouth, trying not to laugh. I GAVE ETHAN A BONER. Oh my god, oh my god.

GRAYSON why'd you get pissed? You gotta admit, the two of us can be pretty hot.

Yeah but he got one while watching YOU of all people.

He was probably imagining me as some Victoria's Secret model. Don't get mad at him.

Yeah, you're probably right. You guys are just friends though, right?

Of course! I love you and only you, Grayson.

Good. I love you too.

I sighed. Ethan was going to have to do a better job at keeping his feelings to himself. So I told him that.

You're going to have to do a better job at keeping your feelings to yourself, ok?

I know I know. I'm so sorry I just imagined Grayson as myself and I got carried away.

Ok I don't need the details, please. I gotta go do homework now. Night.

Sorry. Night.

BRUH can you imagine giving your best friend a boner that would be sooo awkward. But the next few days I'm going to be busy. I might be able to upload another chapter but I don't think I will. Thanks for reading!


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