Unexpected guests

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Nessa:What's wrong sweetie you look like you've seen a ghost?

She walked in and after her Maddie and Charlie came in too and gave me a hug

Charlie:Sorry we came unannounced but it was sudden for us too Nessa just called us to get ready and we found out where we were going on the way here..
Josh:Its okay I just wished that,Nevermind welcome.

I walked in the living room as fast as I could and everyone looked at me

Josh:Guys! We've got guests!
Nessa,Charlie and Maddie:Surprise!!!
Bryce:What the...

Everyone looked so confused and I honestly felt it on a spiritual level.
The guys stood up and went to greet the girls but when Chase passed me I could feel his anger.He just gave them a cold hug and asked me to help him.

Chase:What the fuck?
Josh:I dont know.

I whispered

Josh:I just opened the door and these 3 were standing there and I think that Nessa is the one behind this little surprise from hell and If she is this is just the beginning...
Chase:Oh really she just appeared out of nowhere..your ex and her friends
Josh:You think I invited them ? At the moment when things were at their best between us?
Chase:I don't know...I'm sorry its just so confusing.
Josh:It is but dont forget that your ex is here as well and she's not as innocent as she acts.
Chase:You're right they are definitely here to cause trouble and we are letting them.

I looked around if there was somebody watching and gave him a quick kiss and we started going towards the living room.

Chase:Btw what's up with Jaden he's the only one that left when they came in.
Josh:Oh shit! Jaden..I forgot about him I've got to find him!

I was running through the house probably looking like a psychopath but I didn't care I just wanted to find him when in the corner of my eye I saw him under an umbrella by the beach and I ran outside.
I was going to "jump him" but I heard that he was talking on the phone and he's voice didn't sound like someone that has just ran away from the girl he loved I quietly sat next to him and I didn't know with who he was talking with but I hadn't seen him this happy in a while and I loved it.

Jaden:I'll talk to you later.
Jaden:Okay ,bye
Josh:You disappeared from the house, I've been looking for you for the past hour.
Jaden:Yeah,sorry I didn't expect our guests and I had to take an important call.
Josh:Putting our guests aside,who was the phone call with?
Jaden:A friend.
Josh:OH Okay...Do you want to talk about it?
Jaden:Yes but not now.
Josh:Okay I'll be here when you need me to.
Jaden:I know and I'm grateful for that.
Josh:Let's go and see what kind of hell has broken loose in the house.

Fucking and Fighting (Josh Richards and Chase Hudson)Where stories live. Discover now