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Josh:Wait up.
Josh:What's going on with you?
Josh:Oh,okay than.
Josh:Good talk.

I was so confused I didn't know what to do I turned around and as I was about to go up the stairs he pulled me by my hand and started dragging me to his room.He closed the door and pointed to his bed.

Josh:I'm not your dog!
Josh:You sit!

He sat down and gently pointed and I sat down beside him.

Chase:Its not like that at all.
Chase:And I don't want us to fight we've been doing that for the past year and a half...
Josh:So what is it then?
Josh:Was it a bit pay back?
Josh:Cause trust me we're even.
Chase:What? No!! Why can't you just listen I was trying to say that it was nice and it's new to both of us but you can't deny that there's something more...
And yes we fought but don't you think it was because we both wanted each other and she was in the way. Let's be honest the message I sent her about needing somebody and all that wasn't for Nessa it was for you.. I just wrote josh and send but it got sent to joshes,nessa and you didn't really love her you admitted that to me! But you continued with your game cause you thought I didn't feel the same.
Josh:Woah...I never thought of it that way but you're right.
Josh:But if you were...you know...into me or whatever why didn't you call me or text me or anything you just showed up to my apartment turned my head 360 and left and nothing after.
Chase:Its not like you were calling me every 5 minutes buddy
Josh:I'm just saying you could have.
Chase:And I'm saying you should have.
Josh:Oh is that how it works?

As we leaned closer we heard the door open and quickly distanced.

Bryce: I told you they were working things out.
Ryland:No...You said they were ripping their guts out.
Chase:Come on we can be in the same room and have hunan conversations without observation.
Bryce:Sorry, you're right.
Ryland:So you're friends again?

Fucking and Fighting (Josh Richards and Chase Hudson)Where stories live. Discover now