Chapter 14

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Today was the day. I was rather ecstatic, unlike my fellow Slytherin. Today was the Quidditch championship match, Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw. I was supporting Gryffindor (sorry Luna) while rest of my house just wanted Gryffindor to lose.

I took a seat next to Harry and Hermione. We were unsure of how we were going to do, since Fred, George, and Harry weren't playing. But Ginny was a fantastic seeker, the new beaters were alright, and Ron was having an okay game today.

Just as the match was starting, we felt someone shuffling up behind us. We turned and saw Hagrid, the half-giant. I wasn't familiar with the man on a personal level, but Harry and Hermione knew him quite well.

"I need ter show yer somethin. You come too, Natalie. Foller me," Hagrid, gestured for us to go along. We shared skeptical glances, but shrugged and slipped out of the stadium after Hagrid.

Hagrid led us deep into the Forbidden Forest. And eventually, we can across it.

Sitting there, hands and feet bound, pulling on the trees, was a hairy giant. I looked over at Hagrid in terror, as the giant uprooted a tree.

"Aw, Grawp, I told yer not to do that!" Hagrid scolded. Grawp grunted a tossed the tree.

"Hagrid? Why is there a giant in the forest?" Hermione asked, her voice cracking.

Hagrid explained that he brought Grawp back from his journey to visit the giants. Grawp was his half-brother, and was only a baby,and got bullied by the other giants, an Hagrid was saving him.

"And I need someone ter watch him, since I'm going ter... I'm going ter be sacked tomorrow," Hagrid explained. That's it. The man had lost it.

Hagrid turned to Grawp. "Hey, Grawpy! I brought yer some friends! This is Harry, and (can he call you Hermy? Hermione's a bit much) Hermy, and Nat! They're going to watch you awhile okay?"

Grawp grunted, and reached out and lifted Hermione. She screamed as he brought her to his eye level.

"GRAWPY, NO!" Hagrid scolded, but Grawp grunted and threw a tree at Hagrid, missing by inches.

"Hermy pretty," Grawp mumbled.

"Grawp!" I shouted, getting his attention. "Put Hermy down now. Listen to Auntie Nat... That's it, just set her down now."

Grawp set Hermione down. "That's it Grawpy! Bye now!" I praised, waving up at him. He waved back. It was kinda cute, in a weird way.

"Thanks for that," Hermione whispered as we left the forest.

But the match was over when we got back. Loud cheering rang through the stadium. And out came a heard of Gryffindor, singing a revised edition of "Weasley is Our King". Ron was on the crowd's shoulders, holding the Quidditch cup in the air.

Gryffindor had won. "That's it, Ron!" Harry shouted. Hermione and I fangirled as we joined in the song. We sang and cheered all the way to the Gryffindor common room.

Of course, when we got there, I wasn't allowed inside. But Ginny handed me a butterbeer before I went on my way.

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