Chapter 21

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Malfoy saw us and ran to me, looking concerned, at least for my sake.

"Natalie, where have you been?" He asked me,  slightly out of breath. "You look awful."

"Thanks so much," I said sarcastically, as Harry and I got to our feet. "Had a wonderful time."

"You know, don't you." Malfoy said. It wasn't a question.

"Know what?" I asked, brushing dust and dirt off of my jeans.

"Your parents?"

"Oh, funny thing, actually. Turns out we're cousins," I tried to keep my tone light. And I hadn't even thought of the fact that Draco was my cousin until he brought up my parents.

"I know."

"You- wait what?" I was caught off guard.

"The whole time I knew. My mother told me, and she said to look out for you for Bellatrix. So I did," Draco shrugged. "You're family." I wasn't sure what to say to this. Even though it felt wrong, I pulled Draco into a hug.

"I'm a disgrace to my family. Just look at my friends," I laughed. It was true, what Voldemort had said.

"We're friends, yeah?" Draco suggested. I thought about it.

"Maybe we are, Draco." He appreciated that.

"Then how disappointed can your parents get?" He asked, pulling back. I smiled and shook my head.



Dumbledore had taken Harry up to his office for a discussion,  while I waited down in the hospital wing. I wondered how long it would take people to find out who my parents were.

Natalie Riddle. The name was my burden to carry.

Ginny, Hermione, Ron,  Neville, and Luna were all carted into the room with me. Madame Pomfrey went right to work, and her busy bodiness made my crack a small smile. They were being patched up as Harry came in. He came to my bedside first.

"You holding up alright?" He asked me.

"Minor concussion, some cuts and bruises,  nothing too bad," I said calmly. It was the truth, too. Madame Pomfrey fixed it up easy.

"That's good. And the prophecy?" He asked under his breath. I shook my head.

"Threw it in the lake. I don't need it. Listening to it is what Voldemort wants me to do," I lied. I knew full and well I still had it in my pocket. But Harry didn't need to know everything.

"Good idea," He smiled, and went to check up on the others.

The next day, we'd heard Umbridge had left Hogwarts. Even better, McGonagall had returned with a full recovery. I had already packed up all of my things,  and met everyone up at the Great Feast.

Despite the heartache of losing Sirius, it was wonderful being back, and at least one Slytherin accepted me. Draco turned to me. "Where are you going this summer?" He'd asked. I shrugged.

"Ginny offered me a place at her home," I'd remembered. It sounded lovely. I had originally planned on staying with Sirius at Number Twelve, but it pained me to know that would never happen.

"Ugh. Seriously, Natalie? Sure, you're their friend. But, maybe you'd want to come spend your summer at Malfoy Manor?" He suggested. I shook my head.

"No, Mrs. Weasley is expecting me already. But I'll write you, okay?" He didn't look okay.

"I guess that's what you want. I won't stop you, no matter how badly you betray your blood," Draco shrugged. I laughed a bit as I elbowed him.

"Hey, if you want to trade childhoods, go right ahead," I said. He nodded.

"Fair enough."

Boarding the train the next day was the most exciting event. Ginny and I shared a compartment as she told me all about the things that went on at the Burrow. I was beyond excited. It was like a new family.

I had felt bad that I hadn't spoken to Harry since the hospital wing, and he'd seemed really depressed lately.  I couldn't blame him. He'd planned to go to Number Twelve this summer, too. I stared out the window for a spell, thinking about the Department of Mysteries. Then my hand instinctively ran across my pocket, and I remembered how I'd lied to Harry. But it wasn't his destiny.

It was mine.

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