chapter 14

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Hinata Pov

"To be completely honest there were more people involved in this accident, however, do to the fact that the second person was a part of the scarlet family things got complicated," I said

"Wait so there was a traitor ?" Asked Bokuto

"Well in simple terms yes she used to belong to the main branch but since she rejected the heir title to peruse her "dream" she was exiled," I said calmly

"I'm guessing you know her?" asked Kenma shyly

"Yes unfortunately I do she was my eldest sister Anna" I replied

Everyone in the room went quiet and looked at me I was certain they didn't know what to say anymore

"Yeah I used to be really close to her but then she went to America to play volleyball and rejected the title of an heir when I was 5 and then my dad took me to live with him in Korea" I paused and looked at them

"So I'm guessing she told you something to come back to Japan?"Oikawa said

"Yes she told me she had to talk about the title of heir and the company and to bring along Amaya so we could convince father," I said

To be completely honest I was too naive at that time I guess I still saw her as my old big sister however those ties she cut with her actions

"I don't know for sure what caused her to become like this but I do have a clue," I said calmly which confused the others

"How are you not bothered that your sister is still near you when she's a traitor?" Asked Kuro

"Our ties were severed a long time ago we don't view each other as siblings but more like strangers I don't know what happened to her in America but she became a different person and as time passed the drift between us grew deeper that well I don't know what to think," I said with a sad smile

"Yes it's understandable but you mentioned a clue? Asked Iwazumi

"Yes at first I used to believe she was under the power of enforcement" I sad in a serious face

"By who?" Asked Bokuto

"Yes bedsides us the leaders no one should know about it," said Oikawa

"Well I think it's a good time to explain what it is to the rest," I said with a smirk

"Um Bokuto for opening your big mouth you can explain, "Oikawa said quickly

"Nope no way Kuro you do it" he yelled in a panicked manner

"Really bro? I trusted you but oh well enforcement is the power to force a person to do something with them having no memory of it ever happening" he explained calmly

"WHAT!?" The others yelled

"I can say for myself I never used it on anyone," I said as I raised my arms in a defensive mode

While the rest nodded with agreement

"Well that's a relief," said Aakashi

"Plus It takes to much energy " replied Bokuto

"Well in general we pay a price depending on how strong our ability to use it is," I say to them

"To be honest I don't pay a price when I use it," I say with a face full of pride

The rest looked shocked

"I said I never used it on my friends but I can certainly say that everyone in my family is not one to trust" I replied to them

"Trust me when I say that you guys wouldn't survive a day in the scarlet clan being powerful has little  perks," I said to them 

"well that is probably the reason why our people never try to overthrow us right guys?" said Bokuto while laughing 

"Yeah no thanks we like our freedom" Said Kenma while the rest of them agreed 

"but back to the topic, I understand that you don't get along but have you guys tried to make a peace alliance? asked Bokuto

"not to be rude or anything but the scarlet clan was never really one for making new alliances Bokuto," said Oikawa 

"well if we consider their history they would always prefer to wipe out their enemies than have them become a bother later on" added Kuro

"you all are talking as if I'm not sitting right here," I say with fake tears 

"and all that happened during the ruling of my grandfather not with me," I say to them

"Sorry about that," said Oikawa

"and believe or not I did try to make peace with them, but it didn't quite work out well they tried to kill me the second I arrived  and killed some of my men, and well I can't really be civil with that," I said to them 

"well that is true," said Kuro 

"well to be completely honest I only agreed to this is because there have been incidents that occurred within my territory and after some search, I notice that they were sent by the rain clan" Added Kuro 

"yes that also happened with us" replied Oikawa and Bokuto 

"and that was the second reason I called for you all is that the Rain clan is keeping our movements under surveillance so please do not share important information to others I don't recommend this but use enforcement when necessary," I say to them 

"Yes I agree thank you for the waring Shoyo" they replied 

" I guess the rain clan is becoming a bigger threat" Said Aakashi 

"yes its also possible that they know about this meeting already please refrain from making any noticeable movements we will play by their rules with that this meeting is over," I say to them while standing up 

" but what about you last I checked both Sasha and Anna are really close to you" Said Iwaizumi 

"Thanks for the concern but don't worry I learn and adapt after all the Pheonix never reveals its true power," I say to them 

"well let's go to sleep now, it been a long, day," said Kenma while we all left the room 

While I was walking to my room I see grandfather standing in front of my door 

"It is good to see you in good health grandfather what can I help you with?" I say to him while doing a little bow

"come with me for a minute there is something we must discuss together," he said in a scary tone of voice as he turned around and walked 

Well, this can't be good right? I think without noticing that I haven't followed my grandfather until he says 

" it's about Sasha's father?" He said and I quickly snap out of my trance and look at him shocked 

" What! did you say?" I say to him

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