chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Hinata POV

As we arrived at the shimmer corporations I could see all media and reporters swarming the entrance to the building.I decided it be best to go around to avoid any problems as we all walked in

"Canna is every one of our models waiting in the room?" I asked not looking up from my documents

"Yes I had told them beforehand the male models are in room 341 and the female models are in room 343" she said to me

" Perfect have them wait there till our meeting is over and if they leave tell them to go look for a new job" I said with a smile as she simply smiled back and nodded.

Satisfied I closed the folder that I was holding as both Canna and I walked into the conference room with my most trusted friends Shin ( in charge of the companies models) kiki (in charge of managing runaway locations)

Let's skip what they work in and I'll just say there names okay

Rin and lastly Canna and me we all took our seats as none of us wanted to speak up I decided to break the ice

" i'm sorry for leaving you guys dealing with this by yourselves" I said

"It's fine boss you left us a job and we just failed to accomplish it" said Rin and kiki

I simply kept quiet

"The next thing I say you may not like but I've been thinking of moving the main company overseas to Tokyo Japan now before you say anything i'm not forcing you to go with me if you want to leave that is perfectly okay"I said pausing then continued " the arrangement has been made after this incident I believe it would be the best course of action now I want to hear y'alls opinion" I finish saying

"Well guys were going to Japan right?" Said Shin

"Totally"agreed kiki

"Well Japan has great models and ideas" added Rin and Canna noded exited

I looked up and smiled at them

"With one condition" said Canna

"Which is ?" I asked

We all will attend Karasuno together" she finished as everyone nodded then looked at me

"Fine by me then you'll meet my volleyball team" I said as we all laughed.

Authors POV

As the laughs died down Hinata takes out a folder and in a very serious tone said "but first we have to fix this issue"

"Do you have a plan?" Asked Rin and kiki in unison

" but of course, we'll do a fashion show celebrating the moving of our headquarters to Japan and since Sasha thinks we plagiarized her well I decided to personally design a whole catalogue of clothes for both genders and well present it in our last show leaving her surprised" Hinata finished saying as his friends quickly agreed to the plan it had been awhile since their boss designed clothes.Last they checked he had only made like 100 and they sold for a very high price not everyone gets the privilege of having a custom made set of clothes.

They were said to be the best type of clothes ever.

Back in Japan(Karasuno)

"So when does the camp start?" Asked coach

Two weeks from now I think" answered kageyama As he kept on serving the ball without looking up.

It had been almost 5 days since Hinata left and after he clearly said he'd be gone for 2 so they decided to video call him to see how he was doing

Time skip

After practice they all gathered and called him it took a while before a girl that looked very tired answered the call.They were all shocked at this

"Is Hianta there?" asked suga confused but trying to keep his cool

" yeah I think he's still working I'll pass his phone okay? She finished walking in a sleepy way and opened a door to a fancy looking office to see a ginger boy sitting in one of the tables with cloth in his hands and sewing needles in his mouth with a very focused look which shocked the team

"Sho-kun your phone" she said and she handed it to him and was about to turn away

" are the others up yet" he asked as he looked at the phone

"I'll go see okay" then she walked out

As if he remembered the phone he looked at it with an embarrassed face

"Hey guys, long time no see right?" he said as he put the clothes he was working on, at the table

"Where are you? They all asked in unison looking for answers

"Sorry guys I said I'd be back in two days but I have a fashion show to work on I dont think flying back and forth will help" he said with a sorry face

"What so you mean isn't your company located in japan?" Asked tsukishima

I looked shocked I'd thought they knew but I guess they don't

"Well my main headquarters is located in Seoul Korea" he said with a smile

The look in their faces would have been nice to enjoy

"WHAT!" they all yelled altogether in shock

Well that was loud thought Hinata as he coverd his ears
"I thought you guys knew that" said Hinata picking up and drinking the coffee kiki had made for them
"No we didn't I think you owe us an explination first you start crying and then say you are some rich CEO that owns one of the most famous clothes company and then disapear" said kageyama looking irritated.
He's got a point I said to myself but what would I tell them that the person who acused me used to be my childhood friend and famous model for my company but for some unknown reason she decided to betray me and crush our feelings multiple time yeah no I said to myself
"Well what do you want to know ?" I asked starting to work again in my soon to be finished dress
"Well when will you be back we have a practice match against nekoma tomorrow?" Said Daichi
I dropped my work and looked at them
"So unfair I have to be here working on making clothes and you guys get to play against nekoma and I haven't even slept in days" I accidentally said out loud shoked at my word the team looked at me
As i tried to regain my composure
"I cant guarantee I'll be back soon but mabey in like 4 weeks" I said looking at my calender
Word from author
Sooo I said I would try to update daily but I think the best I can do is 3 times a week.
Thanks for reading and leave comments below
Well I hope y'all keep reading my story till the end thanks and till next time 😉

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