Chapter 1

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Maddie's POV

I woke up, to walk to the other side of the room and turn off the alarm. Belle should have done it, it was right next to her bed. But she still looked like she was in a deep sleep.

'MORNING!' I shouted, giggling at the way Hunter fell off the top bunk. She groaned and rubbed her eyes.
Melodie, however, sat up and squealed 'TODAY'S THE DAY.' She shook Belle gently and ran to the kitchen to make us some croissants.

'I can't believe we're going to meet stereo kicks!' I said. Hunter had won a competition in a magazine for 4 people to go and meet stereo kicks, so we decided to book a hotel for two weeks, and after we met them we would have a girly holiday. 'Neither can I, I can't wait to see Charlie!' Belle said. She had a major crush on him ever since his first audition on X factor, as did I with Jake. 'Why do I smell burning?' Hunter asked. She sniffed, as did I and it did indeed smell like burning. There was a waft of smoke coming from the kitchen.

We ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, to find Melodie wafting at the smoke and coughing. It was coming from the microwave. 'What are you doing?' Hunter asked, opening the microwave while Belle and I opened the windows. 'I looked it up on the internet and it said 5-10 minutes.' She explained, still coughing. 'YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO PUT THEM IN THE OVEN YOU MUPPET!' I scolded her. 'Oh' she sighed.

Once we had cleared out all the smoke, and I prepared breakfast, we brushed our teeth, did our hair and got dressed, packing anything else in our suitcases we might need before finally locking up the house and hopping in the taxi.

Hunter's POV

We had been driving for around 3 hours until we finally reached London, and we watched as all the gorgeous buildings passed by us until we stopped outside our hotel. We each put in some money to pay the taxi driver, and grabbed our bags out of the boot. We rolled our suitcases until we were at the entrance of the front doors.

'This is it,' I said. 'Our home for the next two weeks.'

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