Chapter 4:

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Marinette's stomach started to grumble at around three in Parisian time, meaning it was nine in the morning there.

She got out of her room and went down to the kitchen. It took her a while to navigate herself to the kitchen, and she felt like she should have used Kalki instead, but she eventually arrived in the kitchen.

Marinette saw how there was food already made for her. It seemed fresh too. Marinette, thinking that it was Alfred, could tell how he was the former snake holder. He seemed to know everything before anyone else did and knew what to do about it.

She never saw anyone that morning. Dick was out doing his job as a police officer, Tim was out doing work for WE, Damian was at school, and Jason was in one of his secret safe houses for the day. She was free to do what she wanted for the day, so she decided to have some fun for the time.

After school, Alya and Nino went to the bakery. They needed to know why Marinette would pull that stunt. Having Jagged Stone and his assistant come and pretend to be her parents? Everyone knew who her parents were. It was pathetic. Honestly.

It was a short walk to the bakery. The two kept bringing up what they would tell her parents.

"We have to let them know that she was having Jagged Stone pretend to be her parent. It was like she was embarrassed to have them as her parents. We should let them know that she was trying to make them feel bad." Alya told Nino on their walk.

"You're right dudette. It was certainly uncool. They probably didn't know that she changed her name and she had Jagged take her out of our school. She could be bullying more people now that she isn't in school." Nino said with realization on his face.

"We gotta hurry so she doesn't spread her rudeness to anyone else. It's hard enough to comfort Lila as it is." Alya said.
The two ran to the bakery, making it when they finished up serving their last customer.

When Sabine spotted them, she had a smile on her face. "Hello Alya and Nino. What brings you here today? Marinette didn't do anything did she? We may have disowned her for being that bad of a child, but I'm still her parent."

Alya and Nino stopped for a moment. Marinette was disowned by them? She deserved it, but that would mean that what Jagged Stone said could be true.

Alya opened her mouth, but Nino beat her to it. "We just wondered if we could have some croissants? You know, as an after school snack." Nino faked a smile at the end.

Sabine smiled at him and went to get them. She put them in a bag and gave it to him. "Free of charge. Only for those who helped me see past the illusion my so-called daughter was putting up."

Nino took the bag and Alya's hand. He dragged her out of the bakery. Alya was confused why he didn't tell them, but let him drag her along, wanting an explanation.

When they got to the park, Nino let go of her and Alya made a face that meant for him to explain.

"Okay. So if they disowned her, Marinette wouldn't be in the school anymore. Seeing as she needs to have some sort of parental and guardian to contact for when she gets in trouble. But she's still at school and has somewhere to go after school to live at. That means that she has a guardian to live with." Nino explained. Alya's expression showed that she didn't get it. "Alya, what I'm saying is that it's possible for Jagged Stone to be her guardian. Her last name changed to his, he's on her parental contact, and he just showed claiming it. Do you know how much money it would cost for Marinette to pay him to do that? Where would she even get the money?"

Realization seemed to draw upon her face. Her eyes opened wide at the information. "That can't be right. Lila said she knew him. She wouldn't lie to us. Marinette must have done something else to make sure he did that for her. I don't know what, but I'm going to figure out what it is." Alya said, taking a bite of the croissant she took from the bag.

Marinette arrived in her room at the manor. She was more than likely going to be up until eleven at night in American time, so she wanted to have fun until then. There was more than half the day until then.

Marinette took out all the jewelry in the miracle box and put them on. Once the kwami appeared, she took off the piece of jewelry and put it away, not renouncing them, making them stay.

When she did with all of them, she looked at Trixx with a smile on her face.

"Trixx, can I go out with you today? I promise to see if Alfred has any berries to eat." Marinette asked.

"Nothing is worse than my last holder." Trixx mumbled. "Yes young guardian. But I expect tons of food when we get back." Trixx told her with a smile.

Marinette smiled wider and put on the necklace. She called upon her transformation. Only for hers, the color of the light was white. When the light faded away, Marinette was there in an all white suit.

Her hair had changed from midnight blue to white. Her hair was a ponytail, keeping it out of her face. Around the collar of the outfit, there was white fur around it, making it look real. Behind her, on her lower back, there was a white tail, making her look like a fox. She had an all white mask. The magic in it made her eyes turn to the color brown instead of the bluebell eyes she was born with. (So basically an arctic fox)

Marinette went to the bathroom in her room to see how she looked. When she saw it, she was just happy she didn't look anything like Rena Rogue or Volpina.

She left the room and left a note for Alfred on her desk, if he came looking for her. It just explained that she wanted to go out on a run with Trixx, seeing as she didn't have anything else to do since she didn't have any of her stuff with her.

Marinette ran across the rooftops, using Trixx's illusions to hide her from sight. She loves the feeling of the wind in her hair. It's been something she's been doing for years and she has come to enjoy it.

She had found a good stopping point about an hour away from the Wayne manor, but still in what's considered the safe part of Gotham. She had sat on a rooftop,

She sat there and wondered if anyone had even noticed if she was gone. She wouldn't care if they missed her or not, but she wanted to know if anyone even doubted Lila.

Tikki and Plagg came out from where they were, since Marinette was still wearing the earrings and the ring when she transformed.

"Marinette, we know that look. Stop thinking about them. They aren't good for your health." Tikk said, looking at her.

"I know Tikki." Marinette started to look up at the sky. "It's just hard not to. I mean, I've known them my whole life and they turned their backs on me for someone with fake promises and tears. And they all believed her, even my parents. They raised me and knew what I was capable of, but didn't doubt it when someone came with fake bruises and told them lies." Marinette suddenly found it hard to keep talking. There were tears falling out of her eyes, making her vision blurry.
Marinette then heard someone's voice behind her.

"Is anyone here?"

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