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Ban: Well, long time no see. How's the little one?

Meliodas: My son is now at that age where he's curious about the human body. I guess I'll have to hide somewhere else now. 


Meliodas: Oh, that. I burned it. 

Hawk: With what murder weapon?

Meliodas: A toaster

Hawk: WHAT!!!

Tristan: Dad set it on fire.

Hawk: Why again?

Lancelot: My father was teaching him how to make bread and butter. 

Hawk: How the heck does he burn a rope from bread and butter?

Meliodas: Put the butter on the bread, then put it in the toaster. 

Fun fact kids who don't know this; It's always bread first, then butter or you really will start a fire. 

Hawk: What?

Meliodas: I accidently started a grease fire.

199 Days of Nanatsu No TaizaiWhere stories live. Discover now