Chapter 15: Happy is a Relative Term (The Wedding)

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***** This chapter contains scenes of a sexual nature*****

It's not that bad though :) Please listen to the song I posted because I think it sums up How X feels about Aria & How Lia & Ezra feel about each other :) Plus it is just so AWESOME!!

If you don't enjoy how funny Ronan is in this chapter, then you don't have a pulse!  Please Enjoy!


Chapter 15: Happy is a Relative Term (The Wedding)

Ezra POV

“I look hideous!” Lia shouted while she assessed herself in the mirror. I thought she was stunning and sexy as hell.

“You look gorgeous. The color is not that bad.” I chuckled at the frown that responded to my compliment.

Lia was dressed in a fitting floor length gown that was golden yellow. It matched the color of her eyes. The sleeves were long and it fell off of her shoulders and displayed her perfect neck and collar bones elegantly. It was tight across her breasts, not that I would have complained, and fell freely around her hips and to the floor. She was a vision of grace and loveliness. I loved her so completely that she would have looked beautiful in a paper sack.

“Could she have picked a worse color? I know Gena wanted me to be her Maid of Honor, but she could have chosen a color that wasn’t so…” She huffed and scowled at her appearance.

“It matches your eyes. You’re beautiful, beautiful.” I responded with certainty, not that she believed me. She sighed and drew me into a warm embrace and passionate kiss.

Her lips sent shivers throughout my body. My tongue explored her mouth with excitement and desire. God, how I needed her, and I knew she needed me as well. We completed each other. She was my other half. I felt the love that her mouth poured into mine. I had never felt such feelings. They overwhelmed me entirely.

In moments such as this, I removed my walls and allowed her to have felt the depths of my love for her. This only made her passion grow deeper and that much stronger. I sent surges of raw desire toward her. My hands caressed her body hungrily, paying close attention to her thighs and ass. I loved the feel of her rounded breasts in my hands. They were so soft and supple, so plentiful. I pulled away a few moments later, desperate for breath.

“Ezra, I love you.” Lia whispered as she rested her head on my shoulder.

“I love you too, and I always will, no matter what happens.” I responded honestly as I drew her nearer. I couldn’t get close enough to her. If I was inside of her body, I still wouldn’t have been close enough. I was such a horny bastard, but it was true. My need for her was relentless and all consuming.

“I can’t stand this Ez.” She stated sadly. I hadn’t expected that. What had she meant by that?

“What do you mean Lia?” I questioned curiously. I hated when she was upset. It burned a whole in my heart.

“It’s all of this sneaking around. It’s really getting to me.” She announced with worry. Her eyes held concern and they were tired, very tired. Maybe from the nightmares and lack of sleep, but maybe also from the stress of living a lie. We needed to have confessed our relationship to her dads, but it wasn’t possible. They would have torn us apart. The fact of the matter was, she was engaged, and much to my dismay, it wasn’t to me.

“Ez, this is my worst nightmare!” She responded sorrowfully. I felt her anxiety as she pushed it on me. I wondered if she was aware she had done it, pushed her feelings onto others.

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