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Jake woke up and called the cops
Again this time a different cop picked up  111 what's your emergency.
Hello a crazy man kidnapped my sister
And took over my mother's brain.
Police will be here soon my adrees is 44 cross Avenue.  The cops arrived and arrested the mum killed the man and burned the eyeball. The sister was taken and 4 months later the sister came back. Jake asked what happened
And the cop said the man was making everybody dream. Then the man ran inside and placed a cloth with sleep liquid on Jake's mouth jake tried to stay awake but then he relaxed. Jake woke in a shed the same shed they woke up in the day before. The man put Jake in a case full of water he tried to get out but then the man took him out tied him  with a  rope and put 2 layers of tape on his eyes and mouth and Jake was put back in the water. Jake did not try to struggle he relaxed and he felt the water rushing in to his mouth he new he could not get out he opened his mouth and the water did not go in. The man took him out and looked him in a cage still tied up then 2 hours later the man took him out of the cage and lay on Jake for an hour with Jake's clothes of then  and put him back in the cage
Then the man said I'll come back soon.
Two hours later the man took Jake's clothes of and hung Jake up by his arms
He relaxed because he would have to stay there he was picked up by the man
And the man packed him on a table.
Then the man tied his arms to the table.
The man and poured poison down his through he died DONE

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