five ━━ you're a killer

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CHAPTER FIVE: you're a killer

CHAPTER FIVE: you're a killer

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     SOMETIME DURING THE trip, Juniper fell asleep again. It was probably a topic of concern, much like every single thing floating around in her brain at the moment. She had never slept this often in her life, but she had a reason at least. Or maybe she just wanted to go back to sleep so she could see him again, whoever he was. There was something about him that was unfamiliar and familiar at the same time. Perhaps that should be worrisome that she thinks she knows someone from inside the League of Assassins. However, he seemed. . .she was not even sure. She could not say 'different' because that would be incorrect, seeing as she did not know him and she could not say 'intriguing' because. . .well. . .alright, maybe he was interesting to her. But not in the sense that she was interested. He looked lonely, even if she could not see his face.

     And she just happened to be a bit lonely too.

     Her wish was granted though. One moment she was staring out the window, counting the trees as they drove past, watching normal, mundane humans going about their daily life, and the next she was standing on top of a mat, inside a dimly lit room that had only a few torches on the wall. Stone. So it was the same place, just a different room, which surprised her greatly. She was under the impression that her reoccurring dream was limited to the space of the hallway. Apparently, it was not. Honestly, she would rather be in that hallway again because whatever this room was, she was not a fan. Weapons were attached to the wall, made out of a variety of metals and other materials. And she was almost one hundred percent positive that the spot she was standing on was stained with blood.

ONCE UPON A DREAM ─ jason toddWhere stories live. Discover now