Chapter 2

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"He's back, is he?"  Ivan said as he approached Rob behind the bar.

            "Third night in a row."  Rob said as the pair watched the pink haired stranger sitting in what was becoming his regular booth.

            "I was surprised you let him see her again last night.  Two nights in a row, that never happens."

            Ivan gave a gruff sigh.  "Well, I've never been offered that much money before."

            "I heard all they did was talk," Rob added with a scoff.

            Ivan's eyes widened.  "They talked?  That's it?"

            Rob nodded.  "Heard all the girls fussing about it earlier."

            Ivan scowled.  Something wasn't right about this guy.  What was he after?

            "Did you have him looked into?"  Rob asked and at that Ivan relaxed into a brief grin.

            "I have Gajeel working on it."

            Rob raised a thick brow at him.  "Gajeel?  Surprised you didn't put Laxus on this one."

            "Laxus is working on another project for me at the moment.  Besides, gotta let the new guy have a chance at some point."

            Rob agreed then asked, "How did you find him again?"

            "Juvia recommended him.  I guess they're old friends."

            "Anything you need to be worried about there?"

            "Doubt it.  She didn't give the guy a second glance when she introduced us.  Juvia's a nice enough girl but you'd think a black cloud followed her around- she always looks so damn sad.  At least she can turn it on when she's on stage."

            Rob nodded.  "You gunna let the kid see her again tonight?"

            It was a question Ivan had been struggling with already.  Should he wait, watch, see what transpires and try to figure out what this stranger was after?  Or should he intervene now, before there was any trouble?  But the money... the money was good.  The boy's interest would wane, eventually.  No harm in taking advantage of it.  Lucy knew better than to get involved with a client.  And she knew what would happen to her if she did.  If the guy wanted to waste his time and money talking, let him.

            "If he asks, send him to my office," was all he told Rob, who nodded, understanding his orders.

*   *   *

            Lucy smiled when she heard the familiar wrap of knuckles against her door.  She hadn't been certain if he would show up again.  A part of her had hoped that he would.

            "Come in," she called lightly.  She wrapped her white satin robe taut around her slim form and took a seat at her vanity.

            Natsu slipped off his hat as he stepped into the room, shutting the door softly behind him.

            "Hey Luce," he said as he made his way to her setae and flopped down atop it, kicking his feet up and stretching out his legs.  She eyed him from her perch.  His eyes beat closed.  He looked exhausted underneath the cheerful grin he was wearing.

            "Did you come here to see me or the backs of your eyelids?"

            Natsu's eyes snapped open and he bolted upright.  "To see you, of course.  Sorry about that," he laughed, running a hand through his unruly pink hair.  "Long day."

            "You know, come to think of it, you have been visiting me every night for the last four nights and I don't even know what you do?"  It was a question that had been weighing on her for a while.  She honestly wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer.  Someone with that much confidence and wealth... She couldn't help but think his business wasn't totally above board.

            "Oh, you know, a little of this, a little of that."  Natsu said, brushing the question away.

            "That's not really an answer," Lucy said playfully.  But Natsu gave a rare frown.

            "I'd rather not talk about work tonight," he said with a note of seriousness in his voice that was out of character.

            Lucy knew not to press.  Natsu may not be following the rules, but he was still a paying customer, and if he didn't want to talk about work then Lucy wouldn't bring it up.  His reaction, though, did little to ease her suspicions.

            She enjoyed his easy company.  He made her feel relaxed.  His visits had been a breath of fresh air in the cold confines of the club.  He made her laugh, and it felt like she hadn't laughed in years.

            "I brought you something," Natsu said, standing up and reaching into the breast pocket of his jacket.

            He pulled out a silvery white rose and held it out to her.

            "It made me think of you," he said with a crooked smile.

            Lucy took the rose and slowly brought it to her nose.  It smelled like a cold winter day, crisp and full of spices.

            "It's lovely, thank you."  She turned and set it on her vanity, trying to conceal the frown on her lips.  Lucy didn't know how to feel about the beautiful gift.  She didn't know how to feel about him.

            "How about I take you to a movie tonight?"  Natsu asked, she could hear the goofy smile in his voice.

            "I'm sorry," she said turning back to him.  "I don't think I'm allowed to go out with you.  I have to stay at the club."

            "Oh come on," he started playfully when there was a sudden buzzing noise in his pocket.

            Natsu took out his phone and glanced at it.  A frown once again passed over his sharp features.

            "Looks like I have to go take care of something."

            "Now?" Lucy asked in surprise.  "You only just got here."

            "Yeah, well... Can I come back later?"  He said with a charming grin.

            "You'd have to run it past Ivan," Lucy half whispered, as if the name were taboo within the walls of her dressing room.

            "Consider it done," Natsu gave her a wide smile and a wink.  Grabbing his things he made for the door, stopping with his hand on the knob.  "See you later Luce,"

            "See you later Natsu," Lucy smiled.

            As the door shut Lucy's face fell.  She wondered what that text had said, and where he was going.  She wondered, as she always did, if he really would come back.

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