chapter 2

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I sat at the police station with an officer in front of me. I think he said his name was Harry but I'm not sure "so kid why'd you burn the house down with your dead mother and stepfather inside hmmm?" I took out the crumpled piece of paper and showed it to him he took it and read it, he sighed looking at me with pity. I hate when people look at me with pity. I'm not some weak kid.

"Alright kid we've decided to not press charges on you we can see how hard this might be on you" Harry said "but we do need to find you somewhere to stay, do you know anything about your dad?" I looked at him with disgust. I don't know who my dad is but I do know he threw my mom out knowing she was pregnant with me because he didn't want me. " no officer I have no clue who my dad is" I said it with annoyance "alright well I don't want to put you in the system just just so we need a DNA sample of you and we still need to get your fingerprints"

They took me to a room and a person came up to me with a q-tip and got a DNA sample they then took me to the other side where a ink pad was present they took my fingers and pressed my fingers down on the ink pad and put them on a piece of paper but the officer looked shocked to see I had no fingerprints just some little blobs where my fingertips should be on the paper, I smirked at the officer.

"Why the hell do you not have any fingertips?" the officer asked, I smirked at him "my stepfather burned them off" I didn't give him too much detail that was already way more than I wanted him to know. The officer looked at me with pity again. I hated that. 

"Harry we got a match we found his father we contacted him and he said he'd be out here immediately" great now I have to meet my fucking dad who didn't want me great just great.

I knew I couldn't stay here and just wait for him. I needed to see Myla and tell her what's going on. With that I got up from my seat and ran out. I could care less about what the officers were shouting at me. I ran and didn't stop until I got to Mylas house. Luckily for me I lost any officer who was chasing me.

I walked around to where Mylas window was because I knew if I knocked she would get her ass beat by her awful mom. I knocked on her window and a few seconds later it opened and there Myla was. I told her everything that happened "well shit Zeky we should go for a walk or something to get away from here why don't we go to the church?" I agreed and we made our way to the church.

As soon as we got there and to our spot Myla reached over and grabbed my guitar she handed it to me and asked me to play for her saying it might be the last time she ever hears me sing. I chose 505 by Arctic monkeys. I knew she loved this song and so did I. When I finished she had tears in her eyes which was weird because she never shows emotion. " hey Myla what's wrong" I said even though I knew what was wrong. " I don't want you to leave me your the only good thing about this shithole town" I was now crying I didn't want to leave her either but I knew I had too I hugged Myla so tight and we cried together, when we both calmed down Myla looked at me with her idea face and I already knew it was going to be a interesting one "I think we should take all our stuff out of here and burn the church down as your last goodbye" I looked at her with the biggest smile ever she knew me so well

We stood outside of the church my guitar in my hand and one of my old backpacks on with all my stuff from the place. I got out some matches and went inside the old church, I started lighting the matches and putting them in different spots so that way the church would burn faster. I got out and stood by Myla looking at it go down in flames. I noticed Myla left my side but I didn't care at the moment the flames had me memorized.

I eventually snapped out of my trance when I heard a click of a camera. Myla took a picture of me with her camera staring at the flames. It was a sick photo too. I was really gonna miss Myla. We decided we should head back to the police station.

When we got to the station the officer Harry looked at me with a small smile and let out a sigh of relief because I was back he saw Myla and smiled at her he waved us over to come sit down so we walked over and took a seat. "Ezekiel I'm so glad you came back it makes it much easier for us" Harry chuckled lightly but I didn't find it funny at all. An awkward silence filled between us Harry was the first who spoke again "your fathers plane just landed he should be here in around 20 minutes give or take, so just sit tightly alright" I nodded. 

The man looked at me and a sad smile filled his face. I didn't return it. Instead I looked at him with hatred. "Hey Ezekiel I'm Matt your father" he said it with such a caring tone it made me disgusted "I know I've never been around before and this is all very new I'm sorry that I didn't know about you sooner but your mother never told me about you" I call it bullshit why would my mom lie to me but then again why wouldn't she lie to me she hated me. When I didn't say anything Myla did "Zeky say hi he is your father" I muttered out a small hi.

Harry took Matt over to his desk to sign some papers and to give him important documents and my file. I always forget I have one. I mean it's not the first time I've been to the station, I've been here on counts of assault and arson but whatever never really bothered me but it always bothered Pete. If he picked me up he would usually beat me or torture me in some way. Matt looked through my file then over to me with a displeased look I shot him a little smirk.

Matt and Harry then made their way back to me and Myla. "Alright kiddo you're free to leave with your father now" Harry said Myla looked at me then hugged me I hugged her back not wanting to let her go. "Don't forget me alright you know I love you I'm gonna miss you so much I don't know what I'm gonna do without you" Myla said with tears in her eyes I pulled back from the hug " I would never forget you, your the one who pulled me out of the ditch that day after Pete had his fun I could never forget the girl who made me feel better after what he did, I love  you so much I'm gonna miss you, as soon as I land I'll send letters and don't let your mom get them she always hated me." She chuckled at that, we gave each other one final hug goodbye and I made my way towards Matt with my guitar in my hands. I turned around to wave one finally goodbye to Myla.

Matt showed me to his car. It was nice. It was a black BMW. He got in the driver's seat and motioned me to get in the passenger seat. I put all my things in the back and buckled up. " I think you're gonna like living with me. You have 5 older siblings, two sisters and three brothers there all very excited to meet you. None of us knew you existed so when I got the call I immediately came out here" I rolled my eyes " why are you rolling your eyes at me?" He questioned "mom said you threw her out when you found out she was pregnant with me" I said he looked angry hands clenching the steering wheel a little harder "she told you that?" I nodded my head "I threw her out because she's a gold digger and she started using drugs" I looked down "so it's not because you didn't want me?" I looked back up into his eyes "Ezekiel if I knew she was pregnant with you I wouldn't have thrown her out right away I promise you that none of us ever knew about you and we do want you" for some reason Matt's words made me happy I didn't let him know that though so I just nodded in response. 


ok second chapter let me know what you think! 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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