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I had only made it a few steps down the path leading from the river when I was halted by the group of my long-time tormenters. There were six of them, werewolves and hunters alike.

Beiler, Fisher, and Sylva had never gotten over the time I had claimed victory over all three of them as a human. Since I had started training under Yaga, Masuma, Zartan and the others, their resentment had only grown.

They couldn't accept that someone who had just been a useless human for so long had suddenly awoken as a hunter. To rub salt in the wound, I was also the first female to actually have the gene and not just carry it. Being a hunter naturally meant I was destined to rise above them in pack ranking and that was something they simply couldn't allow.

With the three of them were also three hunters around my age. Lindin, Nox and Hamish were a few years older than me, but out of the other hunters they were closest to me in age. While I had successfully managed to beat some of the younger hunters like Hadrin, these three had never lost against me. I was able to claw them up pretty good, but their extra years of training kept me from ever being able to grab onto them no matter how much I chased.

The three hunters didn't want to let me surpass them. They didn't like how fast I was catching up to them and they liked the way I had trained under multiple of the strongest mentors even less. Yaga refused to train anyone unless she wanted to. Not even the alpha or beta forced her to give a lesson if she did not want to.

With such a large group of teachers I was learning multiple skills at a time and from the best no less.

It was their jealousy that had them trying to oppress me through petty schemes like these.

Trying to talk them down was useless and running away would just be cowardice. Fighting against six was also just stupid since there was no chance that I could win but I had no other choice, and they knew it.

I stood still on the dirt path, water droplets rolling down my back and chest. Usually, I braided it to keep my vision free and unobstructed by flying hair when fighting so I was grateful my hair was still wet since I had no tie to gather my hair away from my face.

I smoothed my hair back, the slick strands pulling back against my scalp. There was a wet slap as I flicked my hair over my shoulders, preparing myself for the fight that was about to come.

My eyes wandered across my surroundings. Hadrin's eyes hadn't been the only ones watching me and that was how I had known that this group would be waiting for me. Yet, even with them here now I still felt hidden eyes watching me.

I tried to catch a scent but the river water, fallen pine needles, and sap from the forest around me kept me from properly catching a whiff. They had positioned themselves downwind so that I couldn't discover them by placing their scent.

Fisher and Lindin took a few steps forward, closing me in from the sides while Nox and Sylva stepped up from behind, herding me towards Hamish and Beiler.

I readied myself, lowering my shoulders and crouching down, thick white claws punching from my nailbeds. I could already taste the bitterness of my venom being secreted into my saliva.

Taking in a steadying breath to center myself I made ready.


I abruptly stood up and the others went ridged when an earsplitting scream came from just down the path to the river.

I whipped around, my wet hair flying over my shoulder and took off, the others right on my heels. None of us were willing to ignore the call for help even if it turned out to be nothing in the end. Hadrin was the only one by the river but there hadn't been any sign of danger when I had left. I could only begin to image what could have possibly happened in the past few minutes to initiate a scream like that.

In The Shadows (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now