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Rain was pouring down around me, the wind blowing it in heavy sheets that pelted at my body. The rain had not let up for several days, turning the earth into a massive mud pit. The muck was splattered all over my legs, the water turning into muddy brown streaks as it ran down my skin.

My bare feet splashed into the puddles of wet earth, squelching as they sunk down into the mud. My moccasins had been abandoned some ways back where they had been swallowed up by the deep mud. It had been too much of a hassle to try and keep them on my feet with every step I took.

I ran an arm across my face, trying to clear the water that was streaming down my soaked hair and into my eyes. The stringy strands of my dark hair were caked with so much mud and blood that even the heavy downpour was struggling to wash my hair without my fingers combing out the grime.

Behind me I felt my outstretched arm twist as my prey thrashed around to escape my hold. I only tightened my grip on the coarse rope that was acting as my leash as I dragged the female through the mud.

Her hands were occupied pulling at the noose of the rope I had looped around her neck to keep herself from choking. She still insisted on thrashing around, kicking her legs and twisting every which way in hopes to dislodge the rope from my hand.

I gave a harsh jerk on the rope and heard a strangled whine followed by a few seconds of hacking in reply. She stopped struggling so much though.

Tossing a look over my shoulder I saw the small boy was having a hard time keeping up. Between his ceaseless crying and the strong wind, he was stumbling this way and that, losing his footing in the mud that swallowed up half of his calf. He was soaked from head to toe in mud from where he had fallen countless times into the puddles that had flooded all of the trails and walkways throughout the pack lands.

"Hurry up boy," I hissed, raising my voice enough that it would reach him through the deafening downpour.

My sudden shout startled him. His foot got caught in the deep mud where he failed to pull it free and he face planted into a puddle.

I halted, giving him a second to get to his feet. When he managed to push himself up, I could see his arms quivering in exhaustion and fear as he tried to stand up. He hardly managed a step before falling back to his knees.

With an annoyed growl I turned on my heel and stomped over to him, dragging the female with me. I snatched up the child's arm and yanked him to his feet. "If you can't even do something as simple as walking, I have another rope for you."

"You sadistic bitch! What is wrong with you?" His mother screamed at me, her words choked and hoarse from the rope pulled tight against her windpipe. "He's just a child! A child!"

I ignored the female and raised a brow at the child trembling before me.

"I-I'll walk." He managed to stutter out.

"Then keep up." We still had a little ways to go, but soon enough I could be done with this and finally get out of this damn rain. Maybe have a nice meal too. It had been a few days since I had been able to eat anything that hadn't been cold or cured.

Just like I had expected, the alpha was waiting for me in front of the large firepit where we had bonfires during any major event. It was located in the heart of the pack lands on a small hill that had been constructed to create a focal point.

I could see that my father was not alone, Vern and Masuma were also with him waiting for me. They had been alerted of my arrival and had already prepared for my two guests. A small t made out of wood had been planted on the top of the hill just outside of the deep firepit so that anyone walking by would be able to see what was soon to be displayed on it.

In The Shadows (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now