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"Gemma it's not like that." Harry pouts, as he cups his face with his damp hands that absorbed his loose tears caused by the heated argument Louis and Harry had two days ago.

"We both said some things that we didn't mean, but it's been two days and I haven't heard from him." He sighs, glimpsing at Gemma's saddened expression. "Why aren't you there talking it out with him then?" She crosses her arms looking down at the broken hearted man.

"He told me to leave, so I did." Harry sniffles. "Yeah, he's too stubborn to apologize for his actions and you're too stubborn to apologize for yours. Two wrongs don't make a right Harry."

"So." He shrugs.

"So... we're going over there right now. Fetch your things and let go." Gemma rushes him, handing his suitcase that Harry took to his sisters house after he was sure Louis was done with him for good. "He won't be happy about seeing me Gem, please." He begs, finally stopping his cries.

She chuckles, as she snatches Harry's arm gesturing that she wasn't playing about getting this relationship problem fixed.

Gemma hated when they fought. No not because she didn't care about his issues with Louis but more because they could never learn to work it out on their on. They're too much alike to learn to apologize, Harry was arrogant and Louis was stuck up.

Harry was too full of him self to notice his wrongs, but Louis loved it so he let him be right in his head but he wouldn't dare tell Harry that because he hated being wrong, being wrong felt as though he wasn't in control anymore.

He didn't like that feeling.

Gemma and Harry had finally reached Louis' and Harry's place after 15 minutes of arguing about confronting the situation.

"I can't get out." Harry turns his head to Gem who stood by his car door window. "I'm your sister, I wouldn't set you up to get hurt, come on." She quickens, slashing the door open and clicking off Harry's thin seat belt. "He won't like this." Harry exclaims again.

She pulls him out of the vehicle with heavy breathes from Harry's fighting, he genuinely didn't want Louis to see him and be completely disgusted by the flashbacks of their argument.

"It feels like you're not even here anymore." Harry blurts, rereading the tattered book that he's had for years. "What are you blabbing about." Louis twists his mouth at Harry. "Her, you're always with her now."

"Eleanor? Harry she's the only way we can still be together, you know this." Louis puts his phone down, giving Harry his full attention. "Doesn't mean you need to spend hours of every day with her, your only here at night. It's starting to bother me." Harry closes his book stuffing it back into the white wooden night stand drawer.

"You're delusional." Louis chuckles, "So does it even occur to you that I'm the person you're actually suppose to be in love with?" Harry snaps. "I've been in love with you for 10 years now, where is this coming from?"

"I don't want to sound like an insecure arse but Louis I'm tired."

"I've had to hug her, kiss her, and smile with her every day when I've only wanted to share that with you. I'm the one who should be tired!" Louis stands threading his fingers through his greasy hair. "Do you sit at home by your self writing, love song after love song about someone that can't even be in bed by 8pm! No I didn't think so." Harry mocks Louis and stands to his toes, crossing his red arms in instinct.

"We're both trying here, you're not the only one. I want out just as much as you do!" Louis' cheeks become flustered out of disparity.

"Do you love her?" Harry sighs. "What?" Louis pauses. "You heard me, do you love her?" He repeats. "Harry go." Louis says in a cold tone. "You can't put me out, I live here." Harry laughs. "Since you think I love her, then you can go. I'm not in love with you, just like you said so go." Louis looks at the ground, speaking in a low stern voice.

"So you're not in love with me?"

"Nope. Leave." Louis demands.

That was the end of it, Harry sped to collect his things and called Gemma so that he could sleep at her place until he processed his feelings.

Gemma knocked several times until she heard foot steps coming closer to the door. It finally creaked open after many seconds. "Hi Louis."

"Hi Gemma, Bye Gemma." Louis tried tricking her by slamming the door but she caught it by the edge with her doc martens. "What ever you two are arguing about I'm going to need you to fix it right now." She explains. "He clearly said that he didn't love me so there isn't anything to say anymore." Harry blurts. "You were stupid enough to believe that." Louis defends. "You bluntly said it." Harry raises his voice. "You suggested the idea so I fed into your beliefs."

"So why, Louis? Why put me through two days of agony. I thought I lost you for good." Harry wells up, his cheeks began to fade into a strawberry red shade. "I had to teach you a lesson. You assume lots of things Harry. My love for you should never be one of them though. I mean that." Louis parents. "Revenge on your loved ones isn't the way to do it Lou and you know this, Harry you can't over think everything you do, it never does any justice." Gemma jumps into the conversation.

"I trust that both of you will figure the rest of this out in a respectful way yeah?" Gemma smiles, whispering 'I love you' into Harry's ear that hid under his curls. "Get in silly." Louis instructs, opening the door for Harry to walk through.

Gemma finally turns around and walks back too her car, driving away. "Please just let me love you." Louis pulls Harry into the cold house, wind hitting the both of them once closing the front door.

Harry felt extremely guilty for even taking Louis seriously during their argument but in all fairness what Louis said hurt him so deeply.

He sized Lou up and down given how nervous he was to hug Louis again, he didn't want him to think he was a terrible person for what he'd said to him the other day in bed.

Only Louis knew his every movement though, he read him pretty well when he decided to latch onto Harry's thick torso without warning, both groaning in relief from being so close again after two days of complete emptiness.

"I love you, I didn't mean any of it sunny I swear." Harry finally apologizes sparking his emotions with the word 'sunny'.

"I loved you first."

"I told you not to forget that." Louis snuggles into his shoulder. "Too focused on your smile all the time I'm sorry." Harry chuckles. Louis syncing to his laughter. "Haz?" He pauses. "Lou?"

"It was you okay, it has always been you, and it'll always be you, only you." Louis pulls back, kissing Harry's lips so passionately that his lips felt so heated from the hot breath lingering through their noses. "Okay?" Louis questions.



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