my naughty little affair Ch 5 part 3

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yay i got new upload finished hope you guys enjoy it :) vote, comment, fan 

oooh and tell me what you guys think of the characters.

ps: btw i forgot to mention earlier but her cousin marie and caelans fiancee marielle are two different people useing those two names were a complete accident if u guys feel its confusing let me know and ill change one of their names.


Brian finally loosened his grasp on my hand. "You can't be serious Ro! It’s only been a couple months since we broke up."

"It’s only been a couple months since I caught a dog in bed with his bitch." I scoffed.

"Technically it was a bench." he corrected.

"Are you seriously going to correct me?!" I sent death glares at him.

He mumbled something back about being touchy, and to chill.

I just ignored him and took a step closer to Caelan.

"And besides it only takes a few hours to be married isn't that right honey."

I sent him a look to go along with it while Brian wasn't looking, but I'm pretty sure Cam caught on because he laughed after.

"So how did you to meet?" Cam questioned, with a gleam of amusement in his eyes.

"Oh we... Um met ... In the city, yeah I like to think of it as fate."

"I like to think of it as a disaster." Caelan muttered so only I could here.

I casually elbowed him hard. He bent over in pain.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry it was an accident." I say sweetly.

"Don’t worry about dear all is forgiven."

"ohh man that must hurt." Cam sympathized, but was enjoying this a little too much.

"Cam didn't you say you had to be somewhere?"

"No not really."

"Really you sure? I think I hear Katy calling you."

"Really I don't." Brian says confused.

"Yeah Ro I don't either are you sure your not just trying to get rid of me." he smirked.

And why in the world would I do that?"

"I don't know, besides I want to hear about when you two got married."

I sent really evil glares at him.

"Umm we got married umm...."

"At the end of august." Caelan answered for me.

"ohh that's a nice time was it the wedding you always dreamed of Ro?"

"Honestly it was uneventful I thought it would be more ..... Memorable."

"I thought it would never happen." Caelan muttered his own input again.

And unfortunately my foot jumped out and stomped on his. He ended jumping up and down from the pain.

"Oh I'm sorry boo I'm just clumsy today." I say innocently. Now he's the one shooting glares at me.

Cam just laughs at our situation."

I had started to actually feel at ease and calm my emotions down a bit, but then Cam once again has to open his big fat mouth.

"Seeing you married sure does bring back memories, right Brian?"

"No, not really." he's still glowering that I'm married now.

"Oh sure you do, like the time Katy, jade, and Ro made play a wedding with them when were kids. Ro was the bride and you the groom. We all borrowed an outfit from our parents we all looked ridiculous, but the one thing that was most memorable about that day was the fact when Ro made her way down the aisle she tripped and fell, and ripped the skirt of the dress right off."

"Ha-ha yeah I remember that." Brian just laughs along with him.

Oh my gosh I can't believe he actually repeated that memory out loud, I'm so going to kill him! How dare he!

"Brian you probably don't know this but it got a bit worse after that but after you and jade left with your parents Ro's parents weren’t able to pick her up so she had to walk home with her but exposed."

"Wow, but how did you know?"

"Katy told me."

By now my face is probably a deep shade of red.

"Could someone tell me why I'm still friends with Katy when she puts me in such horrible positions?"

I nudge Caelan lightly signalling for him to do something.

"Umm right... Dear... We should get going we have lots to do today."

"Oh right how the time has gone we really should get going." I said while slowly/casually started backing while dragging Caelan with me. Brian looked like he wanted to reach out and grab me again, but we quickly made our escape to the parking lot, with Brian crying out for me to wait but when I turned to look back he was thankfully not following us.

When we finally made it to his car I was a bit out of breath although Caelan doesn’t even look like he’s winded even a little bit from the run.

“Thanks for the save back there.” I huffed out, with gratitude.

When I wasn’t answered immediately I looked up at him to see pure rage radiating from his facial expression.

“What’s got your knickers in a knot?”

“I thought we agreed to keep this whole under wraps.”

Is he seriously angry that I told others come you can’t be serious.

Anger started bubble over in retaliation to his scolding. “Okay first of all we never agreed on anything. Second I don’t even know if we are really married. And even if we are really married you have no right to scold me for telling the truth.”

“We are! You saw the proof.”

“How do I know you didn’t just do something to it that people do on their computers to change a photo.”

“Okay I most definitely didn’t do that, I don’t even know how to do that.”

I paused. “You could have paid someone.” I considered.

“Ugh you’re impossible.”

“And you’re a pain in my ass. Why are you here anyway?”

“I came to bring you your plane ticket and to tell you that the your leaving on Saturday.” He said while handing me an envelope.

“What you’re not coming with me?”

“No I have to get back to work so I’ll be gone by tomorrow morning.”

“Oh really so what makes you so sure I’ll go anyway?” I scoffed, raising my chin a little higher.

He smirks at me, “oh you will, unless you prefer to stay married to me?” He says while giving my body a once over and I can’t help my reaction of a shiver traveling down my spine.

I don’t know when it happened but he’s a bit too close for comfort, so I took a step back.  

I just put up a front of confidence, and gave him a smug smile. “Only in your dreams pretty boy.”

He just laughs it off, gets into his car and drives off leaving me behind to find my own way back. 

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