my naughty little affair ch 4 part 2

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In the envelope and in there was a photo of him and I kissing while I'm wearing a veil with the outfit I had worn the night I went to the party with Eve. Caelan had worn one of those really cheesy/ugly black top hats with a white T shirt with a plaid long sleeve shirt with jeans. Haha actually when I think about it it is actually a pretty funny looking picture over all, I would never do anything like that.
I hand the envelope back to him, he just gave me a smug look thinking  he had convinced me that what he was saying was true.
"So? You could have altered this photo anywhere."
The smug fell off his face. "And what reason would I have for doing that?"
"Who put you up to this? Brian? Maybe Jade? God I hate that bitch!...... But if this is a prank played by Cameron and kaitlynn then alright you guys can come out now haryharhar you guys got me!" I yelled, but they never came out from anywhere.
After a few moments he cleared his throat, "You do realize no ones going to pop out say "ha we got!" right?"
"I can still hope now can't I?" I stuck my tongue out at him.
Haha this isn't a prank by Cameron and kaitlynn...... Oh my god!!! This isn't a prank! So not only am I married to some random ass sexy, fine, just want to eat him up man. Ohhh he could soo totally be used with whip cream and.... Stop Ro he wants an annulment. Awww man he wants an annulment so not only have a been cheated on, used by my ex boyfriend, but my husband doesn't want me, and I'm also starting to sound like Jacob two two repeating everything I say to myself twice.
So basically I've been rejected twice in the last few months. And that kind of just makes me very angry. Why? What so wrong with me that the first thing he does is ask for annulment instead of at least trying to work through this for a bit.
"maybe I can join some sort of religious group shave my head and call myself Joe?" I announced.
"what?" did I say that out loud?
"I'm just saying!" whoops didn't mean say that out loud.
"what ever I just need you to come court to get this marriage annulled the date already set for a couple of weeks from now and it's in the city. I'll even pay for your plane fare."
Great cause I just had a great final day there I just want to hop on back there to where I made the mistake of losing my virginity to some stranger.
I felt my eyes widen. I got up and went around the bench to look at the back point of view if his head. Shit! He's the guy I slept with when I went to that party in the city.
"give a really good reason as to why I shouldn't make you take responsibility for marrying me."
He ducks his head and a hand rakes through his hair wow I really love his hair it just makes you think of a shampoo commercial and scream out 'OH FABIO!"
Oh right he's talking.
"I have to have our marriage annulled before my fiancée finds out."
"you have a fiancee?!"
He looks at me as if I'm the crazy one "yes didn't I just say that?"
"then how the hell did you end up marrying me if you have someone waiting for you at home with open arms?!"

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