Fade Away

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As you fade away,
I wish you could stay.
So much to give,
And so much to take.

In my heart I will keep,
Forever dreaming of you while I sleep.
The time has dreadfully come,
I will finally sow and I will reap.

If I had said what I wish I did,
If i remained just that kid,
Those kids that we were,
I wouldn't be in the dark where I have slid.

You are my best friend,
A God gifted send.
I wish I could fix us.
I still cannot comprehend.

I want you to know you are my light,
You are my ears and you are my sight.
I want you to know that I truly am sorry,
I want you to forgive me...
maybe you might?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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