One Shot

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Pain, that's all she ever felt. It's all she could feel. That was until, he came and set her free.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sound of her guards foot steps could be heard from our side her cell.
They were always quite but not silent. Noisy but not loud, they were just there.

It's sound drowned out Avery's sobs.


Always there, the one thing she could remember. Everyday It was there.

As the tears poor down her face she smiled. At least she could count on the confront of the sound.

Clank. Clank. Clank.



Jason was somewhat ecstatic, Bats had finally taken him on a big mission.

As he ran through the empty hallway he remembered bats exact words.

"Just do recon."

Sure it was a small job. But for once, he wasn't complaining. He was gonna kick ass at recon.

He ran, and ran in silence.



He froze.



"Uh," Jason took a few steps back.


He turned his head towards a big vault door, lifting his hand to his ear he reached for his communicator and double tapped.

Two taps: Civilian on scene

"W-who are you?"

"That's easy, I'm Robin."
The new foots steps called themselves Robin.

'What a silly name,' thought Avery.

Robins, Naomi told her that robins were birds. She remembered Naomi saying something about them being 'migratory songbird' whatever that ment.

"Like the bird?" She questioned them.


"I guess you could- yeah like the bird, but I'm not a bird! I'm the new and improved boy wonder!"

New. She had heard that word before, they always used it in a funny way saying "I've got a new game to play."

It always ment pain.

Improved, now that was a new word.


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