Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I looked at him as if he was crazy. John? My John had sent for me? The John that ran away when I told him I was pregnant? No way. Not only did I not believed him, but my first thought was that that man was just plain crazy.

I swatted more flies away from my face and looked at him, incredulous. And I also *might* have said words that were pretty nasty to him. He said nothing but handed me a note. I took the envelope and saw my name written on it. It may have been two years since I've seen my husband's handwriting, but I still remembered it.

With shaking hands, I opened the envelope and started to read the note.


Please follow Mr. Parker without asking questions. I know that I am the last person you want to hear about, but the City is in a very dangerous situation and the only way to protect you and the baby is for you to leave. RIGHT NOW! 

I'll explain when I'll see you.

And it was simply signed by John.

My heart was beating furiously. I am usually a very calm person, but at this moment, I was completely overwhelmed by anger and uncertainties. Anger at John and uncertainties about what was happening.

The sounds coming from outside were getting louder and I went to the living window, that was facing the street, and I saw that my immediate neighbours were out and getting ready to leave. Cars engines were on, and they were all packing their cars.

I looked at Elliott, playing innocently in front of the TV and I decided to follow Mr. Parker. I was taking a leap of faith and I was hoping that I was taking the right decision. And, a small part of me was hoping to finally have some explanations from John.

It took me less than 20 minutes to get ready. Very unwillingly, Mr. Parker helped me when he realized that I had a lot to pack and without his help, it would take forever to get ready.

With the baby in his car seat and my pile of stuff in the car, I locked my house, hoping I would come back quickly.

"Ms. Walker, hurry up! They are coming!"

I turned around and looked in the direction he was pointing. I counted 5 people walking down the street. They were all in a state of dismissal and were walking pretty quickly, but with twitchy movement.

I could see that there was something wrong with their face and that they all had injuries. Some on their arms, other on their faces or legs. One was particularly frightening because he was big and he was dressed as a police officer. From afar, it looked as if he was missing half of his left cheek but I was certain I was wrong because, that would hurt like hell and he wouldn't be able to walk fast like that. Or would he?

All at once, they abruptly turn right, toward a house where a man was packing his car. The man was busy and didn't see them coming.

Despite the size of that poor man, Mr. Martin, a man who did weight lifting, in less than five minutes he stopped screaming and was on the ground, not screaming anymore. I was petrified, frozen, unable to register what had really happened to Mr. Martin.

Mr.Parker pressing voice brought me back to reality. He was repeating my name over and over, trying to get my attention. Without taking my eyes off the carnage I had just witnessed, I slowly opened the door, praying that these... things would not see me. But I was worrying for nothing for they hadn't see me, yet. They were still busy with the now dismembered body. I sat in the car and silently closed the door.

"Ms.Walter, is the baby secure in his car seat?", whispered Mr. Parker. I nodded my head. "Put your seat belt on then. And make sure your door is locked."

I did exactly what he told me to do. In the backseat, Elliott was starting to wake up and I was afraid he would start to cry and attract the attention of ... those creatures.

When Mr.Parker saw that I had my seat belt on, he didn't wait to start the car's engine. As soon as the engine revved up, the heads of the creatures lifted up, looking straight in our direction. I shuddered when I saw one, the police officer with his face missing and with blood dripping off his chin looking in not only in direction, but straight at me. Quickly, they all stood on their feet and started to walk in our direction. They were scary and fast. And the car was not moving. Mr. Parker hit the wheel and started to swear. The car just wouldn't move. My hands were becoming sweaty and I started to feel fear. From his side, he grabbed a shotgun and threw it on my lap.

"What do you want me to do with that?" I yelled at him. The creatures were getting closer.

"Just open your window and shoot the bastards." He was surprisingly calm, composed. He was still trying to get the car moving by starting it up and shutting it down.

"But I've never shoot anyone, I don't know how to do this!" I was starting to lose it, no question about it. Mr.Parker sighed and grabbed the shotgun. He pumped it once and gave it back to me.

"You point, you shoot. Get them right in the middle of their front head, between their eyes if you can."

I nodded and took the shotgun from his hands. I had no idea how to use this but I had to try.

Elliott was now crying and it forced me into action. I rolled down the window and I pointed at the creature that was the closest to me. I pointed and without hesitation, the screams of my baby fueling me with the urge to protect him, I shot.

And I missed. Dang. I tried to shot again but nothing happened. So I pumped the gun like I had saw Mr. Parker do and I put back top of the barrel under my chin, and when I saw that I had the head of the creature in my mire, I shot.

And I got this one. It was a man and his head exploded like a watermelon. I was encouraged by this success, so I slid the handle again and I shot another one. And I got it again. There was blood spraying from the headless corpses and they were on the ground, twitching uncontrollably.  

As I was pointing my shot gun again, I heard the engine finally started and I felt the car starting to move. I kept the creature in my mire and put my shot gun down only after the car was in the street, driving away from this insanity.

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