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Location:Somewhere in Miami
Date: October 16, 2020
Time: 5:23 PM

Guard 1: Hey when will the ship come here
Guard 2: I dont know but i heard the boss said their shipping drugs
Guard 1: Drugs?! No way i want one
Guard 3: Hey stop talking and do your job!
Guard 1: Alright alright jeez

A truck was seen in the distance

??:Ah, yes its here.

The truck parked and a group of people came out of the truck

??:Ryan, right?
Ryan: Yep, im the person who bought the drugs
??:Alright cool.
Ryan: How much do you want for the drugs?
??:Lets say... a couple million.
Ryan: Hey get the briefcase will ya!
Guard 2: Y-Yes of course!

The guard brought the briefcase and opened it, inside was 2 million.

??:It is a deal but..
Ryan: what?
??: There are a few complications..

Suddenly Agents appeared and surrounded them

The man brought out his gun

Ryan:Wait, we dont have to do this

Ryan's men surrendered and dropped their gun

??: Im sorry but.. you just got scammed by the world's biggest crime organization group.


??:And killed.. by.. The acids.

The man shot Ryan and his men

??:Alright take the money and lets go

A few days later..

Location: Steel cove Headquarters
Date:October 20, 2020
Time: 4:55 PM

Agent 1: General, there has been a report that a lot of people died in a drug deal. I guess they were scammed as there was money left on the ground.

General: And who could have done it?
Agent 1: The acids sir.
General:Freak.. those guys have done many notorious stuff before and they havent been caught.
Agent 1: You want me to get a freelancer?
General:No. its to risky i dont want us to be blamed for the death of this freelancer
Agent 1:There is one group of people..
General:Oh really.. who are they?

Location: Unknown
Date:October 20, 2020
Time: 5:00 pm

*Phone rings*

Someone picked up the phone
Agent 1: Hi is this Tyler Benson?
??:Yes but you can call me Python
Agent 1: Anyways This is steelcove and we would like to hire you and your group.
Python:Why would you hire us? I thought we had a bad reputation before?
Agent 1: Oh yes of course the robbing banks I remember that.
Python:So why did you choose us?
Agent 1:You guys are trustworthy and your skills impressed the general
Python: Alright fine but what will we get out of this?
Agent 1: You guys will be pardoned for the crimes you commited.
Python: Alright ill tell them

Python:Hey Nomi! You up for this job
Nomi: Nomi: Ya sure they ain't scammers?
Python: No, not that i think of. Tell everyone we got a job to do.
Nomi: Fine, but if we get in trouble this was ur idea.

Agent 1: So is it a deal?
Python: Yeah sure
Agent 1: We'll meet up in steelcove Headquarters. see you there

*Call ends*

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