Chapter 3: The Rescue

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1 week Later..

Date:Octobe 27, 2020
Time: 12:11

A phone was ringing
Python:*Yawns* I'll go answer it.

Python answered the call

General:Hello this is Steel Cove
Python: Yeah?
General:Your vacation is over
Python: Aww man.
General: We need your help now!
Python: Alright!
*call ends*

Location: Steel Cove Headquarters
Date:Octobe 27, 2020
Time: 12:40 PM

Eclipse: General.. I just woke and im tired...
General: This is urgent!
Bonnie: Zzzzzzzzzzz
General: Hey.
General: WAKE UP!
Bonnie: Wait wha- what!
Nomii:What's the problem sir?
General:  Your mission coordinator, Thorn had been captured.
Python: Wait, What happened to him?
General: He has been captured by The Acids during a Mission.
General: Your mission is to save him
Nomii:Alright let's go team
General: The location is a carrier at the docks. He should be held somewhere there.
Python: Alright lets go.

Location: Docks
Date:October 27, 2020
Time: 1:52 AM

Python: Alright were at the location
Nomii: Stealth?
Python: Yeah, Sure.
Eclipse: Fine.
Bonnie: So whats the plan?
Python:Were gonna sneak past the guards through the carrier

While walking Bonnie tripped on a rock and screeches
??:Hey i think i hear a voice.
??:Really? lets go check it out.
Eclipse:You Okay?
Bonnie: Yeah Im okay.
Python: You choke the left one ill choke the right one.
Nomii:Got it.
??:I think i heard it here

As the Acid Agents walked between 2 containers. Nomii and Python choked the Acid Agents.

Eclipse:Quiet will ya!
Bonnie: Hmph.
Python: Come on lets move.

All of them moved through the guards and into the carrier.

Python:All right thorn's cell should be that way.

Nomii:Hey dont you guys ever wonder why we quit crimes a long time ago.
Python:Yeah because we moved on.
Nomii:Yeah but..

The Acid Agent aimed a gun at them
??:Dont move!
Nomii:Dont shoot us please..
??:Yeah right like i will listen

As the Acid Agent was gonna pull the trigger. They got shot in the back.

Eclipse:Wait what?

A mysterious figure walked down the hallway with a gun.

Python:Wait who are you?
??:Im Leer, Nice to meet you!
Bonnie:Nice to me-meet you i guess-
Eclipse:Wait that badge.. She's part of Acid!
Leer:No you dont understand! I used to be.. now im not..
Eclipse:What do you mean by I used too?
Python:No.. we wont kill you if you help us save our friend
Leer: I will!
Bonnie: Yeah, how can we trust her?
Nomii: She saved us. Of course We can trust her.
Python: I know that we can trust her.
Leer: Yeah see?

Eclipse:Uhh guys they're coming!

All of them ran almost being by the bullets the Acid Agents are shooting.

Leer: The cell room is here I'll hold them off!
Python: What about you?
Leer:Don't worry about me.
Nomii: Wait-

Leer fought the guards without being hit and knocking out some of them.

Eclipse:Come on! Lets go!

Everyone except Leer went inside the room

Python:I can hear Thorn talking
Bonnie: Lead the way!

Leer defeated all of the guards and is met with a familiar figure.

Leer:*sigh* that was tiring.. wait whos there?
??:So you defeated my guards..
??:Dont you know what you have done to my organization?
Leer:Who are you?
??:Dont you remember me? its me the Leader of The Acids but people call me Toxico
Leer: Toxico?! I-
Toxic:Nice seeing your boy friend huh?
Toxico: Heh. You have become a type of a traitor huh?
Leer: Traitor? Dont you realize what you are doing to the citizens?
Toxico: So who cares?
Leer:I care!
Toxico:Relax.. Dont you remember I saved you?

Toxico reaches out of his hand to touch Leer.
Toxico:Hey, Thats very disrespectful.
Leer: Disrespectful? You manipulated me into thinking that your CRIME organization of yours is good!
Toxico:Hey. how did you know that?
Leer:Ever since i was forced to execute my biological mother..
Toxico:Thats it. your coming with me right now!
Leer: Im sorry but i aint coming with you. Im with a new group of friends now.

Leer throws a flash bang in the ground and disappears.

Toxico:Hehe... I'll be looking forward to seeing your friends

Python: There was a lot of those guards.
Nomii: I know right.

Python: This cell door should open to Thorn.
Python opens the cell door sees Thorn.

Thorn: Gu-Guys!
Eclipse:What were they doing to you?
Thorn:They were trying use me to reveal private info about Steel Cove.
Bonnie:Did you say something?
Thorn:No luckily. But I have more info just bring me back to steel cove headquarters.
Leer:Oh hey guys!
Eclipse:Your alive?
Leer: Yep.
Thorn: Who's she?
Leer: I'm an ex member of The Acid.
Thorn:Great Lets get out of here..

All of them safetly escaped the carrier and Thorn was brought to steel cove's medical center.

General: Thank you for saving Thorn. Thank you Leer for saving these agents.
Leer:No problem just doing my job!
General: You can come back tomorrow. we'll take care of him from here.
All: Alright!

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