The Dreams in Gray

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Another night comes,

And I shun the waning moon,

I try to sleep.

I have a dream,

I am falling, falling fast,

Falling toward the ground,

Where ever that is.

Now I am running.

Behind me is a mob of stolen men,

They are carrying torches, clubs, and tools.

I turn away to keep from tripping,

But when I turn back they are all

Copies of myself.

I find the world around me

Turning gray until

I find a door.

I open it and run into 

The room with high windows.

I close the door and lock it.

My hands are covered in blood.

I fall into the black cloud

Of sleep.

I bolt upright, screaming,

I am in the bed within

The gray room.

The door is in clear detail now,

And written on the door

In my hand writing

Are the words:

"Stay inside, don't go out.

They will find you."

I curl up into a ball and wait for sleep.

When it comes,

Now it is black, storyless, safe.

I am soon awoken by

The continued arguement

Of mind and body.

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