Part 7

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Tony stayed with you and the others went out to the pool you were outside with them just sitting a bit far back scrolling through Instagram when someone touches your shoulder you flinch when the hand touches your shoulder
Tony: calm down it's just me
He hugs you from behind you thought it was a bit weird but went with it he grabbed a chair and sat next to you staring at you while your still on your phone
You: do you need something (you say barely making eye contact with him)
Tony:just came to sit with you keep you company maybe get to know you a bit more
You: I don't need company thank you very much
Tony: can I ask you something
You: hmmm
Tony: why the change of attitude
You: what do you mean (you say while your a nervous wreck on the inside)
Tony: I mean your all shy then get along with us but like at some moments I feel like you just cut us out
You: well I'm sorry I make you feel that way but that's just who I am
Tony: I'm not asking you to change who you are it's just weird ...... ( awkward silence for a few minutes) d-do you not trust us or something because I thought kouvr said you were a big fan
You: no it's just nothing just forget it
Tony: no no no come on you can trust me how about we go somewhere private then
You: okay fine sure
Tony: follow me
He grabs your hand and pulls you along
Dixie: where are you guys going
You : no idea honestly
Tony : mind your own business guys
With that you go in his car and he starts driving you start to worry a bit and your leg starts bouncing and your start twirling your hair he could see your leg so he put his hand over your thighs you tense up a bit
Tony: relax chill
You keep looking out the window twirling your hair while tony stares at you with hearts in his eyes

A/n : hii people so I'm really sorry I haven't been active it's like I get so many ideas for this story but never have the motivation to write also happy late New Years but now it's a new year and I'll be pushing myself everyday to write for you guys also thank you for 800 reads I love you all and yeah byeeeeee !!

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