Chapter XXXXIX: Epilogue

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Cassie sighed as she noticed the date for the hundredth time that day. The words taunted her, reminding her of repressed memories. Exactly five years had passed since the fateful day when they had lost- 

Cassie choked and Drystan appeared almost instantly, as if he knew this would happen, as if he was waiting for this very moment. 

He hugged her tightly, his tears joining her own. 

"We should leave for the vigil," he spoke quietly, his face buried in Cassie's neck. "They must be waiting for us by the river." 

They left their cottage hand-in-hand exiting into Northfall territory. In the last five years, they had made this their home. Cassie was still officially a part of Northfall territory and therefore, so was Drystan. Recently, some mistrust as to the neutrality of the couple had been growing within the Packs. Both Drystan and Cassie were working to find a solution. They were over-worked and very tired, but they were happy. 

Their positions as the Optimus couple sometimes affected their dealings with the Northfall pack, a relationship they learned to manage every single day. Nevertheless, there was still deep love between Cassie and her friends, and so they made it through, even though they had lost some of their own. 

The water beckoned Cassie, its gentle waves reminding her of past memories. By the river, Cassie's eyes finally lifted from her feet and met Amor's sad ones. No matter how hard she tried, or how much time passed, Cassie was unable to let go of her guilt. Seeing her ever-present inner turmoil, Amor smiled gently. "It's not your fault, Cassie. Eden would never blame you for this."

Cassie did not answer as she eyed the small candle-lit boat docked on the riverside and leaned into her mate. 

"It's true," Eden interrupted her brooding, suddenly appearing next to her. "It's not your fault."

Cassie turned to her friend, eyes lowering as she bent to hug him on the wheelchair. He gave her a tight hug and a teary eyed smile in return. "I miss them every day."

"Me too," Sebastian murmured, from behind Eden. Ahsan stood next to him, smiling sadly as he clutched his mate. 

"Me three," Cassie mumbled quietly. Drystan squeezed her hand.

Kaifa interrupted their quiet moment, leaves dancing by her head, "It is time for the vigil, wolves." Though her face remained expressionless, Cassie saw the true extent of her sadness in her eyes. For once, Kaifa didn't even object to Amricus supporting her weight in public. 

Drystan squeezed her hand again and Cassie gave him a strangled smile as she left to stand at the highest point in the riverside. Around the bank, throngs of wolves emerged from the neverending bank, here to pay homage to the saviors. Each wolf held a lit candle, making the dark woods on the bank seem like they were lit by fireflies.

Cassie took a deep breath to make her voice stop wobbling, "From the very moment that Adrian met Adira, they loved each other. They spent a stupidly long time denying it before finally giving in. They loved each other, and all of us, fiercely, with a passion that was loyal and insurmountable."

She took a deep, ragged breath.

"Belv and Sana may not have been made by the moon, but their love for each other was beyond the power of fate. They made their mistakes but they spent their last moments fighting for all of us. Fighting for the truth and for the moon."

"Today marks the fifth anniversary of the day I lost my best friends. Today marks the fifth anniversary of the day we lost two moon-blessed Lycans. Today marks the fifth anniversary of the day these four gave up their lives for the moon and for us. If they were alive today, they would tell us to spend every day living fiercely, kindly, and openly. Wherever they are, I take courage and find happiness in the fact that they are together. Their love shines evergreen, even in their death. To Adira, Adrian, Belv, and Sana!" 

Answering soulful howls ran out from the riverbank, stretching for miles. 

Cassie lifted her lit candle, gently floating it in the water, watching it swim away, hoping that its fire would warm her friends even in the cold embrace of death.  



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