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Morning of New Year's Eve, Taeyong was already dressed up to go out and buy things for tonight's dinner. Well, he does buy things or just generally does things all by himself ever since and it was what he does even before he got kids.

Jaehyun did tell him he can hire someone to do their errands but Taeyong doesn't like to burden other people. Also, he just likes to see things for himself. It's his leisure kind of thing.

"You're going out this early?"

Taeyong looked away from the mirror and turned to see his alpha waking up. He nodded as an answer before he went to lay on top of Jaehyun and hugs him.

"I'm going to buy ingredients for our dinner later," the omega said.

Jaehyun hummed and combed his mate's hair, "I'll come with you--"

"No, you're going to stay with the children," Taeyong uttered before he could even finish. Jaehyun has been saying that and wanted to go with him just for him to be safe but Taeyong can handle himself just fine, "And you'll set up the chairs and table on the backyard."

"Atleast let someone else be with you. Just to be safe," the alpha said.

"I know you're worried but I've literally done this for years and nothing bad is happening to me," Taeyong uttered in a soft tone.

The omega stood and fixed his casual outfit, a sweater, pair of slacks and pair of slippers. He grabbed his tote bag and beanie to wear it. He looked himself at the whole-body mirror before he looked back at Jaehyun.

"Do I look fine?" Taeyong asked.

"You look attractive at anything, that's why I'm worried."

Taeyong laughed, "You know what? Give me your shirt or something. You're too annoying."

Jaehyun chuckled. He sat on the edge before he removed his shirt and gave it the omega. Taeyong grabbed it and placed the things he was bringing down to properly wear the shirt.

"Did you purposely remove your shirt to tease me?" the omega asked as he removed his shirt as well.

The alpha looked at him, checking him out, before he stood up with his hands inside his pockets, "I think you're the one teasing between the both of us."

Taeyong shook his head, "I don't think so."

Jaehyun stood infront and leaned down to snuggle his face against Taeyong's neck. He took a deep breath, breathing in the omega's lavender scent. The omega jolted and lets out a tiny squeal when the alpha suddenly sucked on the skin above his collarbone. It took a few seconds before Jaehyun pulled away with a smirk on his face, looking at the hickey he placed.

"I sometimes can't understand why you're suddenly this possessive," Taeyong said but wasn't complaining about the mark. He then wore Jaehyun's shirt that was already scented by the alpha.

"I have my instincts."

The omega grabbed the things he needs to bring, "Alright, Mr. Jung. I'll get going now. I'll see you later when I get back. And remember to prepare the place for tonight."

Jaehyun nodded and followed his mate to the door. Taeyong opened the door and the alpha holding it open for the omega to pass but they stopped when someone was standing infront.

Taeyong had to cover his neck and smile at his oldest child. Jaehyun didn't even bother to wear anything. Blue did see the mark and thought they almost done something so early but he didn't mind it.

"Hey, baby. Good morning, anything you want me to buy?" Taeyong asked.

"I...I kind of want to go with you. Can I, pa?" Blue asked.

Their oldest wasn't that much of a person who likes to go outside but Taeyong does like some company.

"Okay. Get ready and we'll be going. I'll wait for you downstairs," the omega said before Blue nodded and ran into his room to change his clothing.

"Hope he doesn't think we're making another sibling for them."

"Three is enough."

Taeyong and Blue went out to buy things at the nearby market. Jaehyun had to force them to let the driver bring and assist them. As much as the omega didn't want to bother anyone, he'll maybe just buy something for the driver.

"What do you want me to cook, Lue? Anything in mind?"

Blue was pushing the cart while his papa was reading the labels behind the cartons. Though he volunteered to go with his father to help, he has other things in mind.

"Lue?" Taeyong looked back, "Anything wrong?"

"I...I just want to ask you something, pa," Blue uttered.

The omega hummed and looked back at the food on the racks, "You don't want to talk about it when we get back?"

"I-I just need a short answer," the oldest answered.

"Okay, baby. No problem. If I can answer that," the omega chuckled.

Blue took a few seconds before he spoke, whispering almost so no one can hear him. Well, he could've waited for them to go back home but he wanted to spend some time alone with his papa.

"How were you so sure's dad that you'll be spending your life with?"

Taeyong wasn't surprised, atleast for Blue. He didn't look surprised. It didn't even bother him from checking the labels and continued to look for other things he can put in their cart.

"I don't actually know."

Blue pouted and when Taeyong saw it, he chuckled.

"You see, different people have different stories. It's not always a cliche moment. They have different beliefs too. So maybe, why I just committed to your father is because I believed that there's a reason why he came unexpectedly. You know what happened to us. Things could've happened differently but...I guess fate is something else. It just happens, baby."

The oldest listened to every word his papa has said. He's already at the stage where he has feelings for someone he knows since birth. Blue was confused and just wanted to hear something from his father. It wasn't easy to commit and it's nerve-wracking.

"Do I know the lucky person or...?" Taeyong asked.

Blue blushed, "I-I would rather not s-saying it yet."

"Well, whoever it is, give yourself some time. Patience. Either that person will make you cry or will put a pretty smile on your face everyday, I'll be here with your dad and siblings to support you. Whoever it is, they better not hurt you but you know, you live and learn. Right, baby?"

Taeyong has the warmest smile on his face which made Blue to pull him into a hug. The omega rubbed his back and puts a kiss ontop of his head.

"But is it River?"


"I won't tell anyone."

Blue whined.

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