(Chapter 5~ Talking)

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(Pov~ Rantaro Amami)

I tried to talk to him, I really did, but he was avoiding me for some reason. Again, couldn't really blame him though, but he had left his phone in the changing room and I only wanted to give it back.

I didn't have that much time anymore as the P.E lesson had just started, I wasn't really paying attention and naturally got told off about it by the teacher, but it's not like I can help it, I just kept spacing out, although I wouldn't admit it out loud my mind kept wandering to one thing in particular, one person actually.

Kokichi Ouma. He was the one I simply couldn't forget, I never was the best with faces nor names and tent to forget alot quite easily, but this time was different. I just couldn't focus without seeing him from the corner of my eye, it was kinda frustrating actually, more of all because he was still avoiding me no matter what I did.

After a while which seemed like hours the lesson was over and we had biology now, I changed out my gym clothing and gave another shot to talking with Ouma, this time maybe a little to forcefull as I layed a hand on his shoulder before he could run of. Ofcourse. He flinched.

"Hey Ouma, you forgot your phone earlier" I exclaimed and supressed a sigh as he was trembling a little, looking at me with big, violet coloured eyes. "I..I... oh... t..thanks..." His voice was so quiet I could barely hear him, I just nodded and glanced around for a moment before focusing back on the short boy in front on me.

"Come on, you don't wanna be late for your next class now do you?" Ouma responded with a shake of his head and I couldn't help but smile, although he didn't see as I already started walking towards the classroom we would have biology in with a silent Ouma following after me.

I didn't think he would want to talk so I just let him be and headed to my seat as we arrived in the classroom, this time the shorter sat besides Saihara, amazingly the weirdo got Ouma to talk. I examined them for a little before Saihara shot a warning glare towards me so I just focused on my notebook. I always doodled a little when bored in class so that was exactly what I was doing right now.

Apperently I had spaced out once again because when I looked up again everyone was already leaving the classroom, everyone besides Ouma. I blinked surprised and got up, noticing how the said boy was just staring at me.

"Hm- Is something the matter Ouma?" I questioned and raisee an eyebrow, I had absolutely no idea why he would be staring at me like that, but my question would most likely just scare the poor thing. I huffed quietly and shook my head, already heading out the classroom but got stopped by a tug on my sleeve

"W..wait..." It was Ouma, ofcourse it was Ouma, couldn't he just leave me alone for one second? Apperently not cause he tugged again and puffed his cheeks out. "I..I wanted t..to t..thank you.." He mumbled in such a quiet voice I was barely able to hear what he said.

"What for?" I responded and crossed my arms in front of my chest, looking down at the other who was alot shorter, almost 25 centimetres I'd say.
"F..for n..n..not b..beating me u..up a..and... and g..giving m..my ph..phone back..." His voice again was barely hearable, but somehow I picked up on what he was saying and smiled a bit.

"I don't beat people up for fun Ouma so if you just don't annoy me you'll stay unharmed, and that phone was nothing" I just shrugged, tilting my head a little to the side as I thought to see something that looked like a small smile, seeing that actually made my day.

"Ah... o..okay..!" Ouma responded and bounced a little on his feet, he seemed to be more cheerfull now and less tense around me, I wasn't sure what that meant but atleast he wasn't scared of me anymore.

Word count~ 720

A/N aaaaa sorry for late update and its pretty short, school started and my motivation immediantly went not stonks- 😭
Anyways thank you so much for reading this story I appreciate it eek

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