Chapter 10: A Fated Battle

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A/N at the beginning instead of end: Hey! I'm back and ready to update again! Things in my life are still not the greatest, but I am better now than I was 2 weeks ago. Sorry that this came a week later than expected, but I got it done nonetheless! This chapter and part of the next is essentially going to be a segway into the prequel book Star-Crossed Beginnings with slight backstory on Robin's mother. Anyways, that's all I have for now, so let's get to it! Thanks in advanced for reading and have a great day! :)


It was time. The final battle has begun. Validar summoned an army of Risen, zombie like soldiers that were most likely from the soldiers they just killed. To block them in, Validar also summoned a magic barrier. Not even the strongest of magic or the sharpest of blades could break through it. They were trapped it's either win or die, nothing else.

"First things first, we need to defeat those zombie monsters!" Robin declared. Lucina and Chrom nodded. Robin prepared his Thoron tome while Lucina and Chrom rushed into the fray. These soldiers were much easier to defeat. One or two hits would reduce them to purple ash.

When one was defeated, another one would show up in its place, creating endless reinforcements. Robin was confused. As he was slashing through the zombie fighters, he was trying to formulate a plan on how to stop these monsters so they could defeat Validar. After defeating a particularly tough Risen, Robin noticed something crucial. His father was controlling the Risen.

"Everyone! Validar is the one that's controlling these monsters. It's likely that he can summon endless amounts of them." Robin said.

"So how do we deal with them?" Lucina asked as she swung her sword to block a Risen's axe and then killed it with one fell swoop.

"We need to defeat Validar." Robin said. Chrom just nodded as acknowledgment and raced in towards the alter.

"Take this!" Chrom shouted as he raised his sword. As he brung down his blade, Validar casted an unknown dark magic spell that caused Chrom to stumble back. "What the hell was that?" Chrom cursed.

"Whatever that was, it's not ordinary magic." Lucina said.

"Lucina.. that was dark magic... of course it's not ordinary magic." Robin said. Lucina groaned and continued fighting. She walked straight into that trap.

It was hard for Robin to formulate a plan while also fighting a ton of Risen. He would often get lost in thinking and stop fighting all together if he began to strategize, however, if he was fighting, he wouldn't be able to focus much on formulating his plan.

On top of that, Robin was starting to feel like a dark force hidden deep within him was trying to awaken, much like what happened not too long ago with the Emblem. One thing was for sure, he had to be the one to defeat Validar. It wouldn't bode well with the people of both Plegia and Ylisse if their exalt or crown Princess killed the king of Plegia. It wouldn't really be right if the prince of Plegia did it anyways, but it was the only other option.

"Alright, I think I have an idea." Robin said as he shot an Arcfire at a Risen.

"What may that be?" Lucina asked as she pulled her sword out of a Risen corpse.

"It's a little risky, but hear me out." Robin said. A sneaky Rosen stunk up on him but he slashed it quickly with the Levin Sword. "Chrom, I'll need you to take care of these Risen. Are you ok with that?"

Chrom hesitantly nodded. "My strength is yours." Chrom said. Robin sighed of relief. Maybe Chrom is finally on his side. "For now." Chrom added. Robin spoke too soon and rolled his eyes.

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