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We start our story with a spark of jealousy, between our dark Nick, and our sweetly fierce Brendan. A fight brews underneath the dark brown coat and the jet black pelt. Underneath that cold hard look in Nick's eyes lies a pink swirl of love which breaks his dark look. A gaze so torn it tears your heart. A secret longing for a happy life. A burst of light which will break the cold cover on the outside.

Day one: Jace

Jace:-There is a pulling in mychest, a fire that burns within, that is tugging my heart to the forest. "Skyler doesn't understand me... I know she is feeling it as well." Her eyes only look towards the forest. What is she thinking?-"Skyler?"

"What?!"- Her voice is filled with so much longing and annoyance it startled me- "Nevermind.. Wait!"

"WHAT DO U WANT JACE?! IM SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR CONSTANT NAGGING AND NON STOP PACING!!!! ACT LIKE A NORMAL -she whispers- Half blood FOR ONCE IN UR LIFE JEEZ!"- I shrink back and run my fingers through my light brown hair,"just so you know Skyler, we aren't normal at all," she huffed and turned away, and my bright green eyes clouded in disappointment, looking down at the ground.-"I'm sorry Skyler... It's just, there's a feeling in my chest that's pulling me towards the forest. Like there's something there that's supposed to change my life forever." i watch as Skyler turns around, her eyes filled with shock-"Really? You to?" -she shakes her head-"I must be going delusional."-I drew back in offence-"HEY! Don't treat me like I'm stupid, you deerbrain." -Skyler turned and raised an eyebrow-"Oh so now you're speaking wolfish to get to me?"- I growled and my eyes flared to my wolfy summer moss green-"You know better than to tease me Skyler. Remember who won the strongest wolf competition?"-Skyler's eyes narrowed and she flared them,-"You only won because I'm a GIRL! I would have kicked your butt!"-I snorted-"UH huh sure Skyler, and spirit half bloods are real."

"They actually are young ones."- A smooth, beautiful voice sounded, it sounded like the flowing of a stream, the soft bubbling sounds sounded as she laughed. The room smelled of Roses. "Indeed they are." This voice was warrior like and deep. Sounding like the rushing of a river downhill, and there was no bubbling sounds. Only the thrashing of the rocks against rushing water. The second scent rushed in, it smelled of Lilacs. I turned around with Skyler and we both gasped, two spirits WERE STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LIVING ROOM. There was soft white flash and the smaller one turned into an elf looking woman. Her hair was silvery blond, and down to her waist, and her eyes were an dark blue. She smiled a perfect smile at us. There was a harsher flash, and a warrior like woman elf stood before us, holding an bow and arrow. Her hair was brown, and her eyes were a deeper blue. The blond one spoke first." I am Kirsten. A spirit half blood."

The warrior spoke second. " I am Tyriaan. Warrior spirit half blood. Main guard and protector of all halfbloods. Al-"

"Thats enough Tyriaan."-Tyriaan nodded once and stepped back, there was a faint mark on their foreheads when in spirit form, their light would show.-"And you two are?"

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