New Me

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"Red?" My wolf ears gave me the ability to hear the small moan of my name from all the way inside the house. I was chopping wood and smirked, waiting for my love to join me outside. "Red?" She was getting warmer, her voice now by the door. "Babe?" She called, now outside in the cold. I heard crunching footsteps on the snow and heard her call out to me once more. "Honey? What are you doing?" I looked up and smiled at her adorableness.

Nora was dressed in a pair of my boxers and snow boots. She was also wearing one of my jackets. She looked incredibly silly but smelling my scent all around her had me feeling proud.

"I thought I'd chop some wood." I leaned the ax against the stacked logs and came over to my baby.

"But I woke up cold. I haven't woken up cold in weeks!" I drew her up into my arms, bridal style then took her back inside. I sat her down on the bed then took off my own pants and jacket. I slithered on top of her and she giggled.

"Are you warm again?" She laughed.

"Hey, you want to go out for breakfast? We need to go shopping for food. You eat it all." I chuckled as she scratched under my beard.

With all that I've been eating these past few months, I've noticed myself getting bigger actually. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or if being with Nora has kept me from working out. And actually, I'm even more muscular. I feel stronger than ever. Nora has me constantly doing chores, keeping my physique up to par.

And I have grown out my hair. I now have a brown beard that stops right after my chin and dirty blond hair that reaches my shoulders.

I climbed off of her and she quirked an eyebrow. "Have you gotten taller?" I shrugged. "Babe, you just ducked under the beam into the bedroom." I shrugged again in a non caring way. "Do werewolves go through a growth spurt or something when they hit twenty-one?" I stuck my tongue out at her and she giggled. I got back into my clothes then watched her get ready herself.

I grabbed the keys then we both exited the house. I locked the door and right as I turned around I watched Nora slipping on the ice-covered dirt. I caught her and she nervously chuckled.

"It's slippery, honey," I pointed out. She stuck her tongue out at me and I kissed her forehead. I made sure she got to the car and inside safely then got into the truck myself. We drove into town then she pointed out the diner she wanted to go to.

We walked in hand in hand and not one head turned. Not like it used to be. When Nora and I had first met, people were always inspecting the new comer, now, I was one of them. Nora and I were married now. I was part of the town. I was no mystery anymore.

We sat down in a booth and Sally came by to take our orders. "Hey, Red. Nora."

"Hi, Sally," Nora smiled.

"What can I get you guys?" I looked to Nora.

"I'll have orange juice, French toast, and a side of eggs." Sally wrote on her small notepad then turned to me.

"Here we go," she joked. I was used to ordering for an entire army.

"Ham, eggs, toast, three slices of keish, meaty omelet, hash browns, potatoes, biscuits and gravy, French toast, pancakes, and ... "

"Order the whole menu why don't you?" Nora teased.

"Don't tempt me." I joked back. She rolled her eyes and Sally sighed a heavy breath. "I'll have a glass of O.J. as well as a glass of chocolate milk. And add two cups of hot chocolate for the two of us."

"You got it!" Sally said with a kind smile. She walked away and I grabbed my wife's hand. "I think I might drain all of our money." She giggled.

"You can't help it." We talked and soon our food arrived. I dug in and was enjoying my morning so far until a familiar scent caught my nose. I poked my head up out of character and Nora noticed. "What is it?" She inquired. I didn't respond as my eyes awaited for the familiar scent to make it through those diner doors.

I caught my breath as Cab, my supposed-to-have-been-beta, and another wolf that I was struggling remembering the name of, walked in. Our eyes locked and he made a b-line to me and Nora.

"Red!" I stood up and his eyes widened. "Dude, you're huge!" I frowned as he held out a hand for me to shake. I did and he pulled me in for a pat on the back. "Do you know how long you've been gone? Red, it's been three months. Where have you been?" My frown only grew deeper. I turned to Nora, who had an unsure look on her beautiful face. I then called Sally over and I paid for our meal.

"Let's talk outside." I said. Cab agreed. We gathered behind a few stores and I held Nora's hand tightly.

"The Alpha has been pissed these last few months, Red."

"You mean my father."

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is I respect my father, not my Alpha. If my dad acted like a true Alpha, I would have come back the moment I realized I was gone."

"What's happened to you, man? Hello? Is Red in that muscle head or what?" Cab turned his attention to Nora, who was clinging to my arm. He sniffed her and I narrowed my eyes. "Don't tell me you stayed because of some human girl."

"She's not just some human girl."

"What, your mate? She's human, Red, she's not worth it."

"You haven't even found your own mate yet, Cab. You wouldn't understand."

"I hope not. If I had a weak human for a mate I'd drop them like a hat and leave it at that."

"Just you wait."

"Wait for what? Wait to become an obedient dog and do anything she tells you? No thank you. I am a future Beta. No mate of mine will make me weak like yours has made you."

I shook my head, tightly constraining myself from turning into my wolf form and tearing my old friend apart. I realized in that very moment that Noah and those from his pack had become much better friends and even family to me than anyone in my pack had ever tried to be. Noah was like a big brother to me. Everyone felt that way. Even though Noah was seen as his pack's Alpha, he never designated himself with that title, neither did the pack.

They were true to their nature. Their packs began with a mated couple. Their children were the pack. Noah was just in charge of making sure the peace was being kept between pack members and that they weren't revealing themselves to humans.

Noah and the others had become more sibling like than Cab or anyone else from my original pack had ever been.

"I don't have time for this." I gripped my wife's hand then walked away from Cab and the other wolf.

"Wait, Red!" Cab called out. "We're here to bring you back. Not just check-up on you." I turned.

"I'm not going anywhere, Cab. My home is here, with Nora—my mate and my wife." Cab allowed a small hint arise in his eyes before going back to an angry and disproving look.

"I didn't want to have to do this, but you've left me no choice." I turned once more and didn't expect what happened next. I was tasered. Literally. And man did it hurt like hell.

"Red!" Nora ...

As the darkness consumed me, realizing that the weapon used against me was not some mere human taser, but a deadly hunter's weapon, I listened to the yelling and grunting then my body felt light as I was practically carried in the air. Everything was blurry as I floated into the truck then was suddenly at the cabin. I was taken out of the vehicle then felt myself softly drop on the squishy mattress of the bed.

•••••Happy New Years!!!
To all my readers!•••••

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