Chapter 11: No Brakes!!

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3rd POV

The White Fang's train is rushing through a tunnel, loaded with mechs and other lethal weapons. Not far behind them, The Southern Cross was thundering towards them on the parallel track. (Y/N) is looking out the side of the cab with Price, Oobleck, and Zwei looking out towards the train ahead of them.

Oobleck: We have to hurry! We don't have much time to stop them!

(Y/N): I got the throttle opened up as far back as it can go! Give me more steam Price!

Price was busy shoveling fire dust from the tender's fuel holds into the firebox. He stops and looks at (Y/N) with a concerned expression.

Price: Are you trying to blow the boiler and safety valves to smithereens now?!?

(Y/N): Then let them burst! I want more steam!

Price shovels another few rounds of fire dust. (Y/N) looks towards the pressure gauge as it starts to quickly rise to the maximum pressure of 300 with the needle currently sitting at 200 and climbing.

(Y/N): Now that's more like it!

Triple 7 begins to pick up speed again and the gap between the engine and the White Fangs last cart was closing fast.

Oobleck: We're catching up again! Quickly now, we must get aboard and stop that train!

Professor Port climbs into the cab from the quarters coach.

Port: Well it is safe to say things just got a little interesting. What can I do to help?

(Y/N): Help Price with keeping the firebox hot!

Port: You got it!

Port begins shoveling fire dust for Price while Price mans his fireman's seat and begins adjusting numerous valves and knobs which allows the pressure gauge to hit 300. Triple 7 was now running alongside the rear end of the enemy's train.

Oobleck: Get us alongside so we can get aboard!

(Y/N): Get your team ready and be ready to jump! Once you are all aboard we're gonna race to the front and go straight for the engine! Tell Callie and Bruce to come up and meet us here!

Oobleck and Zwei head back to the quarters coach to find Team RWBY, Callie, and Bruce all looking out the windows as the race between the two trains was heating up.

Price: The boiler won't take any more dust! We got it filled up in every corner! We have to let it burn off before we can add more! And we're pushing her pretty hard as far as the boiler's pressure is concerned!

(Y/N): Then focus on helping me keep her running!

Oobleck: Alright everyone! (Y/N) and Price are going to get us lined up next to them! Callie and Bruce, your leader needs your assistance up front! Everyone else be ready to jump!

Callie and Bruce rush out of the quarters coach and climb across the tender. The boarding platform of the quarters coach soon lined up evenly with a small platform on the last car of the the White Fang's train. Oobleck and RWBY jump across one by one. (Y/N) looks back to see their friends across safely, he pulls back the throttle to wide open again and Triple 7 continues to race towards the front of the enemy's train.

A White Fang member standing on the train hears them jumping on and looks outside the train to see rose petals. He brings out a communication device.

White Fang Member: I think they're on the-

He doesn't finish as Oobleck slams over the head with him weapon, effectively knocking him out. Up at the front of the White Fang's train, a white fang solider walks into the cab of their engine with Roman and another soldier at the controls.

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