Chapter 1: Best Day Ever

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3rd POV

Blake is looking down at a series of sketches and notes that she made. She looks at one drawing in particular. Which is an insignia showing a rose next to an individual with his back turned. Team's RWBY, JNPR, and STAR were all sitting together during lunch as usual. Yang slides up next to Blake.

Yang: Whatcha doing?

Blake: Nothing. *closes book* Just going over notes from last semester.

Yang catches a grape tossed to her by Nora in her mouth.

Yang: Lame.

Yang looks to see (Y/N) inspecting a set of blue prints. Both Price and Weiss are looking down at the design sketches (Y/N) has sitting in front of him. Yang couldn't make out what it said or what it all meant, but she saw a name sitting in the far right corner across from her. She leans in a bit closer and sees two words only: "Matrix Cannon."

Yang: What are you working on over there (y/n)?

(Y/N): Probably the single craziest thing I have ever conceived to date...

Yang: What do you mean?

Price: He may or may not have drawn the blueprints to a superweapon that would be installed onto the Southern Cross...

Everyone at the table: WHAT?!?

Weiss: Is that what this is?!?

(Y/N): Keep it down will you guys? You all are gonna give me a headache if this is how you're gonna react to everything I design.

Weiss: And what exactly possessed you to come up with this? And what is this even for anyway?

(Y/N): To be used as an absolute last resort in the event of dealing with the most dangerous enemies out there. For example: a Leviathan.

Bruce: How does it work?

(Y/N): Well I guess the cats out of the bag. But before I tell ya, I'm gonna have to swear you all to secrecy, if word got out about this then I'll have the Atlisian Military breathing down my neck...

Everyone nods.

(Y/N): Alright then.... This is the Matrix Cannon. This cannon condenses all of the Southern Cross's power into a single shot. The engine, the main battery in the turret car, everything. The cannon will be mounted behind the front base and cowcatcher of the engine just underneath the boiler. I have been running numerous simulations on my computer in my room with several different scenarios I could think of. However, this is where the wild card aspect comes into play.

Everyone remains silent so (y/n) continues...

(Y/N): Once fired, the Southern Cross is somewhat disabled for a period of time. The ballpark in terms of time ranges from an hour to a full day based on my simulations. Now, this doesn't seem too bad when you think about it since the Southern Cross can still operate to a small extent and be maneuvered. However, at the end of each simulation, the computer always made note of what I can only describe as an unknown anomaly, which can mean anything at this point. With that in mind, firing the Matrix Cannon can not only be risky, but extremely dangerous with unknown factors I'm still trying to sort out.

Bruce: *lays a hand on his shoulder with a look of concern* Kid, I really hope you know what you are doing...

(Y/N): I'm going to have a few safeties added in so it can't be fired by just anyone or be simply activated. I'd rather not take any chances.

Bruce: I trust you (y/n). If anyone knows what their doing with something like this, it's you.

Weiss: Well at least you have that.

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