23•Going Home

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Abby's POV

Today is Wednesday and right now I am asleep next to Dally and officer McCoy came to the cell. "Curtis, Winston get up" McCoy said and we woke up "Sleep good" Dally asked. "It was alright" I said and we left the cell and we got back into our clothes. We left the police station we walked down the road to the DX. "Race you" Dally said and we ran to the DX and Soda ran up to me. "I missed you" Soda said "I missed you to" I said "Now we have two jail birds in the gang" Steve said. "I was there for one night and you get arrested sometimes with the gang" I said. "Me and the guys get bailed out after an hour but you two had to stay over night" Steve said. "True" Dally said and the boys continued working on a car "Soda can I help" I asked. "Sure so take the wrench and screw the bolt on the engine" Soda said. I screwed the bolt into the engine "Good job" Steve said and I gave Soda the wrench. Pony and Johnny came and Pony hugged me "I missed you Abby" Pony said. "I missed you to Pony" I said and I got a coke for Soda's lunchbox. "Hey Abby how was it" Johnny asked "She hated it" Dally said. "He's right" I said and I had the coke "Is that from my lunchbox" Soda asked "Yep" I said. "We got locked in solitary confinement" Dally said "For having cigarettes in our cell" I said. I walked home with Pony and Johnny "How was jail" Pony asked "Bad I missed you guys" I said. "We missed you to" Pony said and we went inside the house. Two-Bit was watching TV "Hey Abby" Two-Bit said and he hugged me. "Hey Two-Bit" I said and I laid on the couch and I took the remote. I changed the channel and we watched Nailed It for a while then Soda and Steve came in. I walked to were Darry works and I saw him cleaning up "Hey Darry" I said. "Hey Abby you scared me" Darry said "Sorry" I said and he hugged me. "How was last night" Darry asked "I didn't like it" I said and we got in the truck. "Okay just don't get arrested again" Darry said "Alright I wont" I said. When we got home I went to my room and I laid in my bed. Soda sat next to me "How about you take a nap" Soda said and I hugged him. Soda laid next to me "Night" I said "Night sis" Soda said and Darry came in. "I'm going to make some dinner" Darry said and he left the room. I put my head on Soda's stomach and he stroked my hair "Get some sleep" Soda said and we fell asleep. I woke up two hours later to Darry sitting on the bed "Hey Abby" Darry said "Hey" I said. Soda woke up "What time is it" Soda asked "7:30 we already ate dinner but I put some in the refrigerator for you guys" Darry said. "Why didn't you wake us up" I asked "I let you guys sleep" Darry said "Come on let's eat dinner" I said. We went downstairs and we watched TV "I'm bored" Two-Bit said "Your watching mickey mouse" I said. We started wrestling "Take it back" Two-Bit said "Two-Bit get off" I said. "Two-Bit get off of her" Pony said and Two-Bit got off and I ate dinner. After I finished dinner I watched TV "Abby it's your turn to do the dishes" Pony said. "Why it's Soda's turn" I said "I did them last night" Soda said and I did the dishes. After I did the dishes I went to my room and got ready for bed. Darry came in "Night Abby we love you" Darry said "Love you to" I said. Soda and Pony came in "Night Abby see you in the morning we love you" Pony said. They kissed my forehead "Love you guys" I said "Get some sleep" Soda said. They left my room and I got my flashlight and I read a book under my blankets. Darry came in "Abby go to bed" Darry said and he turned the flashlight off. Darry put the book on my desk "See you in the morning" Darry said and he left my room and I fell asleep.

Abby Lynn CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now