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Abby's POV

Today is Friday and right now I am in the tree house when it started to thunder "I'm going home" I said "Okay bye baby" Chirs said. We kissed and I ran home "Hey Abby" Soda said "Hey" I said and the weather report went off on the news. "A tornado watch has been issued for Castle Rock Oklahoma" Reporter said "Okay nobody leaves" Darry said. We watched TV when the power went off "Now what" Dally asked when the tornado sirens went off. "Basement" Darry said and we went in the basement and we turned a lantern on "You okay" Pony asked. "Ya" I said and Soda sat next to me "It's okay" Soda said and Steve sat in front of us and we played fifty two pick up. "How are you doing Abby" Dally asked "Good" I said and Pony sat on the other side of me. He rubbed my back "I'm bored" Johnny said "How long do we have to stay down here" Two-Bit asked. "Until the wind stops" Darry said and I ate a bag of chips "Give me some" Steve said and I gave him some. "I have to pee" Soda said "Hold it" Pony said "Fine" Soda said when the wind stopped and we went upstairs. "The inside looks okay" I said and we went outside "The house looks alright" Darry said. "I'm gonna check on my Dad and the house" Steve said "I'm gonna check on Buck's" Dally said "Ya but you still live here" Darry said. "Ya which is why I still need to get my stuff" Dally said "Fine but be careful" Darry said "We will" Two-Bit said. They walked down the road and I hugged Darry "You okay" Darry asked "Ya" I said "Alright" Darry said "Are you okay" I asked. "Ya I'm fine" Darry said and Soda came out "You won't believe the pee I just took" Soda said and we looked at him. "Gross" I said "Agreed" Darry said and I ran to the tree house "Hey baby are you okay" Chris asked. We kissed "Ya babe" I said "We stayed here" Teddy said "It was a rate of three" Gordie said "That's not bad but not good" Vern said. "We know Vern" I said and we played cards and I heard the gang yelling "Is that your gang" Gordie asked "Yep" I said. "Dally's so rude he scares me sometimes" Teddy said "He used to scare me but I got used to it" I said. I ran home and Darry was making dinner "Hey Abby" Darry asked "Darry" I said "Ya" Darry said. "So what time can I wake you up on Christmas" I asked and Darry chuckled "Soda has been waking me up at five so same time as him" Darry said. "Okay" I said "Go watch TV" Darry said and I watched The Breakfast Club when the gang came in. "This movie again" Dally asked "Shut up" I said and I threw a pillow at him and we started wrestling "Guys stop and dinner is ready" Darry yelled. We went to the kitchen and we ate dinner "Darry I packed all my stuff yesterday" Dally said. "Tomorrow you can move in so you can use the small guest room or basement" Darry said "Is the guest room alright" Dally asked. "Sure" Darry said "We can help move you in tomorrow" Soda said "Ya we can" I said and we finished eating dinner. Darry and Dally went to the empty guest room that used to be Pony's old room and I followed them. "So Dally you need to listen to me" Darry said "Okay I will" Dally said and they shook hands. "Your a good kid Dally and always remember that" Darry said "I know" Dally said and I ran to my room. I read a magazine when Soda came in "Hey sis" Soda said and he gave me a noogie "Stop" I said and Pony came in. "Pony tickle her under the knees" Soda said and Pony tickled my knees when Darry came in "Darry help" I said laughing. Darry bent down in front of me and he rubbed my head "Okay guys let her go" Darry said "Why we are having fun" Soda asked. "It's late" Darry said and they let me go and I laid down "Night Abby" Pony said "Night I love you guys" I said. They kissed my forehead "We love you to" Soda said and they left my room and a couple of minutes later I fell asleep.

Abby Lynn CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now