chapter 1: The Bond

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Lelani POV

My bloody alarm goes off at 6:30 am, I swear it gets louder everyday. I got out of bed to take care of my hygienes. I put on an all black leather pants with a white tee that read ' DON'T HATE ' in black and my bred 11s , I grabbed my red Betsey Johnson leather school bag and I was out.

I'm not in the mood for any make up today. I ran down the stairs and before I reached the last step I heard a familiar honk outside.

I knew it was my boyfriend Nate waiting for me to get out the house. I quickly gave my mom a 'good morning 'kiss on her cheek and walked to the door.

She stopped me in my tracks , " Lelani, here's some money.."

Is my mom really giving me money? She must be in a really good mood today.

"Can you give Ms. Love after school?" She asked me.

I knew it was too good to be true. I took the money from her and headed to Nate's Ferrari.

" Damn Lee Lee I've been waiting an hour out here!" He complained.

"Well good morning to you too Nate" I rolled my eyes.

He started back up his car and we drove off. I turned on the radio and my favorite song was playing.

"Cause I already know your lingooo talk to these hoes like you siiingle" I sang along.

Nate loved to hear me sing. He glanced over at me and looked quickly back at the road.

Approaching my school he parked out the front. He looked at me and licked his pink soft lips I couldn't help but kiss him.

"Bye Bae" I said pulling away. He gave me a wink. I got out and he waited until I got inside.

Nate is pretty overprotective. He doesn't want anyone or anything to harm me. It's kind of annoying at times, I can handle myself. I'm 17 for God's sake.

Nate POV

I dropped off Lee Lee at school and headed to Lorenzo's house. Lorenzo is my cousin but he's always been like a friend to me. I pulled up out his mansion and honked my horn. Soon the gates opened leading to his house. Before I knocked the door it swung open to a welcoming Lorenzo.

"Fam!!", He greeted me doing a handshake.

"What's up blood?" I asked.

We both headed to his studio to record his mix tape. He got in the booth and started doing his thing.

"Selfie for the WhatsApp, selfie for the BB, selfie for the Facebook, selfie for the IG.." He rapped in the mic.

I got a call from my ex girlfriend Monique. I answered because I knew she'll keep on calling.

"What's up Mo? I asked bluntly.

She took a while to answer but she finally spoke.

"Can you come over ? I want to talk to you" she begged.

It's not the first time she asked the same question, I'm not an idiot, I know exactly why she 'wants to talk' she wants me to take her back, after her ass cheated. Hell NO!! I did love her, she was my first love, but she was sleeping with one of my so called 'best friend'. After I found out I cut that nigga off, he's lucky I didn't beat the crap out of him.

"I'm busy right now, I can't" I responded.

"Ughhhh!!, you're always busy, whatever" she screamed.

Before I knew it, she hung up. Typical Mo behaviour.

Lelani POV

As I walked out of class I was stopped by Kianna, one of the girls from my squad. She was about 5' ,her curly mixed hair swung from side to side in collaboration with her hips. Her sparkly dark brown eyes widened as she approached me.

"You coming to my party tonight right?" She asked me with a big smile on her face.

"Of course Kiki !!!" I said jumping up and down with her.

I love her vibes. I know how crazy she gets when it comes on to parties, bitch goes wild like a lioness in the jungle. I actually didn't remember anything about the party but I'm glad she reminded me. Looks like I have to head to the mall and buy some new clothes.

Nate POV

" Ahhh you joker, you keep cheating fam" Lorenzo said jealously.

I killed this boy about 17 times in a row and he still hasn't given up. He sucks ass at Gears of War 3. I put down the controller on the table in the center of the huge living room and got up and walked to get something to drink out of the fridge. My phone started to vibrate, I reached in my jeans pocket and answered it.


"Bae can you pick me up now, I'm cold as hell out here and I need to go to the mall" she said as her voice trembled.

"Okay baby I'll be there in 15" I said while hanging up.

I grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter and did a handshake with Lorenzo. I ran towards my matte Ferrari,started it up and drove to get Lee Lee.

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