Year 11

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I slept terrible on the night of the first of February in fact I didn't go to sleep till the second of February. I woke with anticipation running through my veins jumping out of bed to answer the alarm there I was "sir Jyden the lionhearted" in my alpha underwear staring the mirror. My shower was quick but the feel of hot water running down your body is something great, as minutes passed by I found myself leaving my house for school,a mainstream school,with teachers and students an desks and chairs and halls and a canteen and a miraculous load Of other things, not caseworkers and bolted desks and a small yard with two buildings. A normal school it almost felt to good to be true. As I walked down the street to the bus stop is saw "the barbershop expresso" a local hipster cafe that I've been meaning to go to but never had the time, well today was the day for the lion and as I walked in the coffee shop a short man with a stubble and manbun was playing with his black iPhone. "How much does a small coffee cost man" I say "$3:50" the man replies with eyes focused on the iPhone. "Can you do $3 I need my bus money" I reply with confidence "you know what mate,sure" and as I waited for my coffee I finally felt successful,a fitting piece in the puzzle I society. Coffee tasted shit,I always forget coffee tastes shit,but it's so often with businessmen,stoke brokers,management consultants and millionaires. the bus ride was tedious but it got me the my goal of TLSC. I made it I thought to myself in a sea of teenagers walking to stress. the bell went faster than anticipated and I walked to my first class "advanced English" asking people for directions to the classroom. Finally a room full of 30 kids,not 10-15 with 3-5 teachers no 1 teacher and 30 kids,I was a nobody,another face in a ocean of faces, not Jyden, just nobody and nobody writing down notes on "journey",I finally felt normal,me Jyden normal, it couldn't be,I was "that batman kid,that lannister wannabee, the lion of the pack" I was faceless,nameless and I loved it,after English it was maths,with a group of ground one boys making jokes nothing could be better,of you pulled that crap you'd be in Melises's office quicker than a Thai restaurant can read back your order. Maths went by quick enough I was still another cog in the gears,another little fish in a ocean of 1000 other students. Recess was freedom finally a area where you had privacy. Not being listened in on by caseworkers,I had recess with jasmine and her friends,jasmine was I girl I knew in year 6 and here we were 5 years later and eating lunch gossiping about people,I've always had a talent for gossip,the bell ring again and off I went to society and culture,sitting in class with a Brooke,a girl I met a few weeks before and here I was being normal in a normal class,then a knock on the door,a simple knock on the door ruins everything,normal was no more "Jyden chancellor" a old lady in a office uniform says, as I pick my stuff up wondering why I've been called to the principals office,my heart races and I'm running through my mind wandering what I've done wrong,nothing I've been here for 3 hours,I'm surely not that much of a fuck up I've done something wrong in my first 3 hours,the 30 minute wait was the longest 30 minutes in my life,my heart thumping in chest,vomit in my throat and curiosity in my mind. Finally mrs. Harvey emerges from her office. "Jyden, will you come in" everything she said was another language,I listened but with every word I shifted I a shifter taking the bits that were important,mine of it was. With every word my normal school life was ripped away, every word tore down my tower of confidence and success. And here I am now writing this needing to apply again but with a "special application"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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