•°The Past: A Date with a...Devil or Angel?°•

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Y/N woke up with a splitting headache. She always seemed to have one of those after one of her bar gigs, they always seem to arrive when she first wakes up. Without fail. And of course she tried every way she knew how, to fix it. But there just weren't many ways to-

She was glad she didn't have to go to work today.
Y/N didn't know how she could work in the predicament she's in, but she would try. Money is money. And now a days you need money for every little thing..there were situations were she knew why you had to use money and just accepted it. But the other reasons..well- weren't so accepting.

Y/N sat down at her round table, and sipped on the tea she had made the night before. She always did that so she didn't have to make it already. Lazy right? She didn't think much of it. Just modern problems requiring modern solutions she always said. But when ever she tried to think, it always went back to...him. She didn't know why he was in her mind all the time- especially now. Fear maybe..? She could only think of that as the cause..but her heart was telling her something else.

Why couldn't she get that big fellow out of her head? She actually wanted to see him again but..she told herself that was a bad idea. She then got a simple idea, so she rushed to put on a nice F/C dress nothing fancy what so ever. As she decided to take a walk in the local park. She did always love that place, so she opened her door..but- she wasn't expecting anyone.

As she looked up she saw the skeleton..with his wide grin, and red eyes starring into her like daggers. Or if you could call them eyes at least- Y/N didn't know why he was here in the first place, and from last night she didn't know why he would ever wanna see her. But he was here. So she wasn't imagining it. Y/N could see him lean on the door way, with his big figure. She noticed he wasn't making any signs of speaking first, so she took it upon herself to.

"U-Um..Do you..need something..?" She simply asked. Y/N could see his smile grew as she said that.

"Heh..Yeah, I guess it's somethin' like that- I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me doll" He said, not showing any signs of joking around. "Was he being..serious..?!" Y/N thought. Without even knowing her cheeks turned into a bright red. Which seemed to please the skeleton even more.

"I never really got to introduce myself have I? Well. The name Sans. Sans the skeleton, and you are~?" The skeleton that was named sans asked, as he put out his hand. You took it.

"Well I'm-" Before she could finish the wind was taken from her, as he pulled her into him. Playing with her hair, while his other hand was around her waist.

"Y/N, I know~ Such a pretty name that fits with a equally pretty woman~" Sans said, he was obviously trying to flirt with her. Which in her case sadly working as her heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Now. About that date, I'll pick you up at 7. Wear something nice for me alright~? Something...red~" And before she could say anything he let go of her, and disappeared in a cloud of red smoke. To which Y/N coughed a few times waving her hand back and forth to get it away from her.

"What...the hell...just happened-" Y/N muttered with confusion. You couldn't tell if you were Excited or afraid- Sure you liked him but this?! This never happened to you before- You ran back inside your house shutting the door behind you and throwing yourself onto the couch.

"What am I going to do..." She thought. "Should I even go..? Do I even have a choice?" Y/N had to many questions. It was all just happening so fast, and she didn't know what to do! What does he think of her..?

She looked up at her ceiling thinking..."A monster and a human..? Has that even happened before?" She thought, her eyes silently widening just thinking about it. This guy sure was a mystery, a thug in some words. But deep down she knew there was some good in his heart- if he even has one that is.

She turned to look at the clock. "3 more hours.." Y/N said out loud. Couldn't help but smile. Was she going to have a fun time..?

Only one way to find out.

(Sorry for the long wait on this chapter! I notice this book won't finish any time soon, so meaning I will keep writing more for this story! And sorry if it's short! I know my previous chapters were always longer but that's when I had time to write these. But don't worry! The more love that you lovely people give me keeps me going so I will soon write long chapters again! And if you have any ideas please let me know! <3)

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