six ━━ help him

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CHAPTER SIX: help him

CHAPTER SIX: help him

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❛ a walking 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙙𝙮 ❜

ARTEMIS WAS A better cook than Will but was still not the best. However, there was a sense of normality to sitting down at a table with the Harper family and eating dinner with them, even if she barely ate her food and did nothing but space out. It was still nice to try and pretend that everything was perfectly fine while the walls around her crumbled and cracked, sending dust flying around, blinding her. She was tricked into listening to Lian rant about how stupid Disney princes were and how she would never let anyone kiss her while she was asleep or kiss her at all for that matter. It managed to get a small smile out of her and a proud nod from Will who told her that she was never going to date, to which Artemis rolled her eyes and scoffed while putting two pieces of lettuce into her mouth.

Two days had passed since the woman had taken her to the memorial garden and Juniper had not slept since. She was not afraid now that she knew the name of the boy. In fact, she was eager to try and communicate with him. Maybe he would trust her or maybe he would not understand her. He could be blind and those red eyes that went with his mask could be there to intimidate his enemies. Then again, she doubted he was. If he was Jason Todd, that meant that he had not actually died, right? Or perhaps he had been on the brink of death, took one step into the afterlife, and was yanked back in by some sort of resurrection or healing force. Either way, she had to see him again, if she could somehow manage to fall asleep.

"I know I'm not the best cook, but you could at least eat half." Juniper looked over once she realized she was addressed, catching the teasing gleam in Artemis's eyes. "Is it really that bad?"

"Definitely," Will replied for her. The blonde turned her head, glare on her features. The ginger stuffed tomatoes and lettuce into his mouth. "I mean, it's great, so good, mhm, you see this? Delicious."

Lian giggled and pointed at his face. "Daddy looks like a dinosaur!" He playfully munched on the green leaves, making sounds as he did so, making her laugh harder. She grabbed some as well and began to copy him, much to Artemis's chagrin. "Look, Junie, I'm a dinosaur, rawr!"

Juniper pretended to look appalled for her sake, placing a hand over her mouth and dramatically scooting her chair away before hiding her face. It got the girl to laugh hard and she smiled to herself as she peeled her hands away. She forgot her troubles for a moment, allowing herself the slightest bit of happiness. It all faded away once plates were cleared off and dishes were stacked inside the sink.

"Would you like to help?" Artemis asked her when she placed her own plate down. She shook her head in reply, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Why don't you try to get some rest then? You look like you have not slept in a few days." She nodded and the woman offered her a small smile before letting her go up to the spare room she was staying in.

ONCE UPON A DREAM ─ jason toddWhere stories live. Discover now