Please. Stop Favoritism.

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Comment here if you've seen favoritism in action. Seriously I want to know.

I. Hate. It.

  I hate it when people say "you know, so and so's daughter does the dishes every night and she doesn't complain about it, try being like her," or something.

  For one, you don't know what she does every SINGLE NIGHT. Second, I don't care.

In schooooools, it's a different story. If you're smart and friendly, like me, teachers love you.

If you're not, teachers don't like you.

And that's kind of the grade. I remember I had to write a paper in history and it had to be two pace and mine was only one and a half but I still got full credit like what???? I probably sound crazy because I'm complaining about a 100 grade but I don't deserve that I should have gotten a fricking 90 or something.

And if you make a mistake????


Teachers, I think, at least (for the most part, this doesn't include those who are out of this world in amazing ness or those who shouldn't be teachers) try to work with their students.

STUDENTS ON THE OTHER HAND are terrible at "trying to get along." I'm sorry, but it's painfully true. There's a reason every high school movie includes a mean girl clique. Students TEAR EACH OTHER APART.

Seriously what did you think would happen when students were put in charge of a group?

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