Chapter 1:

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POV: Ochako

I punched him hard, then dodged a kick. He's fast... he went to punch me again, I moved out of the way, then tripped him. I slammed him into the ground, pinning him. He looked up at me, worn out and out of breath.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Why would I do that?"

He paused, "do I know you?"

"I don't know any heroes. Sorry." I looked him in his green eyes, he looked at the mask that was hiding my face.

"Are you sure? You just... remind me of someone."

"Aww, do I?"

"Yeah. She's gone now."

I paused, "what happened?"

"You and the others from the league killed her." He glared at me, "I'll never forgive you for that."

"Oh. Did you love her?"

"She was my classmate. She was going to be an amazing hero. You took that from her and all the people she would have saved."

"There are other heroes."

"Not like her. She was strong and determined."

"So you did love her..."

"Get the hell off of me!"

"No. What's your name?"

He paused, slightly shocked at the question, "Deku."

"Deku... I kinda like Deku. It's cute."

He paused for a moment, "you sound just like her."

"Who, your girlfriend?"

"My classmate. Yes."

"Hmm... I'm sure that's a little weird. What was her name?"

"I'm not telling you that."


"Hey, get over here." I looked over to Dabi.

"We're talking."

"No. Get over here now."

I rolled my eyes, "see you later, Deku." I released him and got up, going over to Dabi, then we started walking back to the apartments. "Hey, Dabi?"


"Who was that hero? He seemed a little familiar."

"Just a student from UA. He's in his third year."

"He said something about a girl we killed from his class. Who was that?"

"No one important. Just a way to get the media mad at the school."

"Oh, okay."

We got to the apartment building and went up to the third floor.

"Get some sleep, we have training tomorrow."

"Okay..." I sighed, "see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." He went to his apartment, I went to mine, then went to my room. I changed out of the clothes I was in, and into shorts and a tank top. I plopped down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. Deku... why is that stuck in my head? He's just another wannabe hero from that stupid school. Just like the heroes who... I sighed and rolled into my side, falling asleep a few minutes later.

In the morning I got up and got ready. I walked out of the apartment, then down the stairs to the basement. I walked in at 8:58 and waited a couple minutes for Dabi to show up. When he did I turned to him and smiled.

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