7: Ricochet

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Tap. Tap. Tap.

Your pencil lightly tapped your desk as you waited for class to start, your thoughts drifting into your current worries as of late.

Maybe you were imagining things but you felt like someone was staring intently at the back of your head lately. You didn't know how to describe it but you noticed something staring from your peripheral every so often, making it hard for you to relax. Whenever you turned your head in the direction of the stare, the feeling would disappear.

There was one place that you didn't have this unsettling feeling: the art clubroom. You sighed in relief at your safe haven for more reasons than one. As long as you got through another day of class, you can hide out in the clubroom and talk it over with Ami without any suspicious eyes.

Your train of thought breaks when another pencil intercepts yours mid tap. Trailing your eyes over to the culprit, you see Tadashi smiling at you with a smile that helps put you at ease. He lightly taps his pencil on yours a few times and stops, chuckling a bit and placing his pencil down so he could rest the side of his cheek on his hand.

"Do you want to talk about it?" His head tilts a little when he asks, hints of concern coming through into his words.

You bite the inside of your cheek in thought before shaking your head. "I'm not sure what to say, really," you sigh, "but thanks for the offer." You send Tadashi a grateful smile, to which he returns with a smile of his own.

"No worries seatmate," he grins at you before he sits up in his seat and starts opening his books. "I'll make sure to pay close attention in class today. You can ask me if you missed anything."

The determined twinkle in his eyes makes the corners of your lips twitch up in response to his thoughtful gesture. "Hm...a hero I never knew I needed," you joke, glancing at him for a follow up.

He notices and his grin stretches out wider, chuckling at both your banter, "and don't you forget it~"


Lunch time hits and your stomach grumbles on cue. Humming to yourself, you grab your packed lunch from your bag and file through the pockets in your bag for some change for a cold drink.

Tadashi calls out to you, succeeding in making you look up from filing through your bag. "Could you watch my stuff for just a few minutes? I'll be right back."

When you give an affirmative nod, Tadashi thanks you before he heads out of the classroom. You pull out your phone and text Ami that you'll run a bit late getting to your usual eating spot at lunch. Just as you were about to put your phone away, a response buzzes back quickly.

Ami: No worries! Also, prepare yourself for some desserts I made! (/*o*)/

You grin at her text, responding in excitement for the treats before putting your phone down. Then, a chill makes its way down your spine. You could feel the gaze of someone once again. Your hand reaches up to the back of your neck unconsciously, rubbing it slowly to try to regain composure. What was going on--

"--Here you go!"

A cold drink presses itself against your cheek, causing you to jump at the cool sensation. When you look up from your seat, you see Tadashi grinning at you mischievously.

"Sorry, you kind of zoned out there for a bit and it was too good to pass up." He places the drink down on your desk before raising his hands as a sign of surrender. "I got your favorite though! I hope that makes up for it?"

Your eyes narrow at him in jest, a second passing as you rolled your eyes and laughed. "Yeah, you're safe for now." You relax not realizing that you were tensed up before from the eerie feeling of someone staring at you, which disappeared when Tadashi came. Taking the cold drink in your hand, you glance at the label and find that it was your favorite drink. "How did you know?"

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