Coupon 1:
🎀Hooray!!🎀 If you are following me, you get to request a fanfic, and I will do it!!
(This might take a bit since I am sort of busy,)
🎈Directions🎈Message me, and copy and paste this number, so I can see if u used it more than one
🏅Number Code🏅the code for this coupon is:
Coupon 2:
If you are friends with me on discord, you get to write a fanfic for me to put on the wall of fanfics along with your wattpad account user!!
🎁Directions🎁 message me know discord with your fanfic (Must be your own and cant really be that long) and I will lpsot it on my fanfic wall, along with your wattpad username
🔮Code 🔮 make sure you include thia code in your message:
Coupon 3:
🎨Wow!!!🎨 if you are following me on wattpad, and you have art that you made, I will set it as my pfp for a week!
🖼Directions🖼 message me on wattpad along with your art (must be made by you) and I will set it as my pfp!!
🎟Code🎟 make sure you include this code in your message: