chapter 21

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 21

The next morning Willow woke up feeling satisfied with her night of sleep. She drowsily walked into the Villa living room and saw Rooney sitting on the couch, scrolling on her phone.

"Good morning. I heard a noise last night, sounded like someone exited or entered the house. Did you leave?" Rooney questioned, turning off her phone and looking up at the girl.

"Yeah I did." Willow mumbled and yawned.

"Where'd you go?" She asked curiously and sipped her iced water that was on the coffee table.

"I went to talk with Daniel." The girl replied, a smile appeared on her face and Rooney's eyebrows rose.

"You what?" Her roommate yelled.

"Shhh you'll wake up Eliana. I got a call last night and Daniel wanted to meet up to talk about him and I. We sort of made up, except I'm still taking time to forgive him." Willow stated and the other girl sighed.

"I'm glad you guys made up. What about Matthew though? You guys were so cute." She responded.

"Matthew is nice, but he's not for me. He's a gentleman, but we don't share the same passion and spark that I do with Daniel. I'll have to call him and tell him how I feel." The girl let out a loud breath and yawned once more, before sitting down on the couch next to her friend.

"I get that, I'm sure he will find another girl in New York. So are you spending time with Daniel here or what?" Rooney promptly asked.

"I hope you're not mad, but I invited him to go paddle boarding with us today and to bring the boys. I know you and Eliana would want to see Jack and Jonah. Plus I need to talk to all of them as a whole." Willow made a face, hoping Rooney wouldn't get upset that the girl invited the boys into their day out.

"That's fine! I was hoping Eli and I could reconnect with the boys as well. I'm sure they have an apology to say." The girl responded, a smile dancing on her lips.

"Okay, I set us up an appointment for 2PM, let me text Daniel." She pulled out her phone and tapped on his contact.

The blonde typed away on her phone, asking if Daniel and the rest of the band could join them at 2PM at the Bay for paddle boarding.

He responded within five minutes and agreed. Willow was excited to reconnect with the boys as well because they were like brothers to her and she missed them dearly. Deep down she wished they had contacted her about the situation and she was upset that they didn't apologize for not doing so.

"It's 11am, we should go get coffee and then get ready." Rooney spoke up after Willow turned off her phone.

"Sure." She fixed her hair and got a little ready, to be at least presentable when going out.

They left the Villa, and Eliana was still sleeping, seeing as the girl was always the last one awake.

The pair found a cute little café downtown and ordered three iced coffees, one for their other roommate. Their coffees were made quickly and they enjoyed them while walking back to the Air B&B. It was a lovely day out, the sun was peaking through the light clouds.

"You guys brought me coffee, thank god, I could not sleep last night." Eliana complained when they got back to the house.

"You know we wouldn't get coffee without getting you one. Why couldn't you sleep?" Willow questioned, handing the girl her coffee.

"I'm not sure. I kept getting paranoid about noises I heard like someone was breaking into the house." She yawned and sipped her coffee.

Rooney and Willow made eye contact and chuckled.

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