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dear reader, 

once upon a time, I loved a boy named adam, and these letters are the last remnants, the few pieces of him I have left.  

I trust you to keep these memories between us, to hold them close, and to keep them safe.  

just as I wished I'd kept him.

letters to adam is a collection of notes, letters, and poems written from the perspective of his lost love, aimee, as she reflects on her grief and fleeting memories of the one who got away.

throughout this collection, their unfortunate love story is revealed through her innermost thoughts, feelings, hopes, desires, and flaws building up to the moment that destroyed their relationship, leaving adam and aimee hopelessly lost.

if you've known heartbreak, no matter its shape or form, you know the pain.  and if your heart has been left intact, consider yourself much luckier than these two broken souls.

but not all was gone, because unbeknownst to aimee, there was hope on the new york city horizon.  

hope that, one day, if she were to ever send him a letter, 

he may just write back.

letters to adam is a work of fiction.  names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either used in a fictitious manner or are a product of the author's imagination.  any resemblance to actual persons, incidents, or actual events is purely coincidental.

© 2021 tennisfumes, all rights reserved.

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