The Twins Betrayal 4

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"Cayden and Makayla I have called you here to tell you that..."

"That there was an accident involving your parents."
What? I couldn't understand they were on a plane now to California. We lived in New York there's was no way that something could have happened to them. Unless...

"What how?" Makayla started "They're on a plane to New York."

The plane must have crashed.

"Yes, I know that Makayla but the plane was having some issues and it went down everyone in it died."

Makayla looked crushed at the words. I mean I was upset to but I wasn't as close to them as she was.

"Who are they?"

I asked to acknowledge the others in the room. One of the women stepped forward

"I am Vanessa Canes and I am your social worker." She introduced herself  "These are your biological parents."

The man stepped forward now.

Hey, I am Leonardo your father but you can call me Leo until you're ready to call me dad and this is your mother, Heather."

"Hello" she greeted us when we looked at her.

"We want you guys to come home with us so we came to get you once we heard the news." Leo informed us.

"Okay." I said

We last the school minutes later. I even gave the principal the books that my teacher and the librarian let me borrow. When we got out of the school I grabbed my bike and Leo let me put it in his trunk that was huge. We also separated from the social worker because she just wanted us to meet our parents since she was already aware of their living situation.

We got into the car with the adults up front and us kids in the back. Leo asked us to give him the address and Makayla did. Ten minutes later we pulled up to the house. We all got out of the car and I took my book bag with me. We walked out to the already opened front door.

There were maids running around gathering things. I'm not sure what they were taking but I didn't really care. We continued to walk towards the stairs.  We got to the second floor and went towards our rooms. I went in alone since I told Leo and Heather that they could just help Makayla and that I didn't need any help.

As I went into my room I closed the door so that I could get my stash of cash. I had hidden inside of my box spring under my mattress. I put the little box inside of my book bag and opened my door. I then went to my closet and pulled out my suitcase. I packed away all of my clothes since my bag was pretty big and I looked around the room to see if I wanted to take anything else.

I grabbed all of the textbooks and added them to the bag. I then zipped it up. I didn't want anything else from here. I had also grabbed my charger and put that in my bag. I left the room and went towards my sisters. They were still packing her stuff so I laid my suitcase on the floor and sat on it.

I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall behind me. Around ten minutes later and I heard them finishing. I opened my eyes and saw the three coming out of the room. I stood up and followed them down the stairs. We looked around one more time and then Makayla started to cry again.

With Leo holding his bags Heather comforted her. We all walked out. Since Heather wanted to help Makayla she sat in the back with her and let me sit in the passengers seat. Leo started the car and told us to relax since it would take a while to get to the airport. I took my phone out of my pocket with my earphones and started to play one of the playlist I found on my Spotify.

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