Season 5

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[Elena types an email to Bonnie; she reads it aloud in voiceover while a montage of each character's summer activities plays out, starting with Elena and Damon giggling in bed.]

: [voiceover] Hey Bonnie, How is the summer almost over, and yet I feel like I got nothing done? Sounds like you're having fun traveling with your mom. I still don't know how I'm supposed to do this whole college thing without you. And Caroline agrees; she spent the whole summer designing the color palette for our dorm room, while Tyler's been away helping some wolf pack in Tennessee.

[Cut to Caroline packing with her mom.]

: [on the phone] Don't worry, I already sent them your application, Tyler. All you have to do is register for classes and show up!

[Cut to Matt and Rebekah drinking wine in bed with another girl; Rebekah starts kissing her while Matt watches and smiles.]

: [voiceover] Matt and Rebekah have been sending postcards. I think they're in Amsterdam now...or was it Prague? I can't keep track, and honestly, I'm not sure I really want to know. Anyway, I can't wait to see you. When do you get back? Love, Elena.

[Cut to Jeremy sitting on a park bench, texting on a cell phone. Bonnie stands behind him.]

: "Dear Elena...": Wait, don't start with "dear".: It's bad enough you're dead – now you're a control freak?: I'm just saying, people don't say "dear" anymore.: All right, fine. How about, "Hey Elena, what's up?": Thank you.

[Jeremy sits on the bench, apparently alone; Bonnie isn't visible anymore. Bonnie's voice narrates the message Jeremy sends to Elena on her behalf. Cut to Elena and Damon making out on the couch at the Salvatore boarding house.]

: [voiceover] Hey Elena, what's up? You guys have no idea how much I miss you. I've been emailing with Jeremy...he says it's been surreal to be alive.

[Jeremy walks in the front door, and Elena jumps off Damon while Jeremy averts his eyes.]

: Hey, um, sorry, I - I thought you left.

[Damon makes a shooing gesture to Jeremy.]

: I did...five hours ago.: All right, well, there's pizza in the fri-

[Jeremy leaves the room and Elena turns back to Damon, laughing off the awkwardness. Cut to Katherine walking on a street at night, alone, looking paranoid, jumpy, and rather the worse for wear.]

: [voiceover] If Katherine ingesting the only cure on this earth and having to live as a human isn't justice, I don't know what is.

[Cut to Elena in Damon's bathtub, reading the message from Bonnie, while Damon towels dry.]

: [voiceover] I miss you guys. I'm glad you're having a great summer. P.S. Have you heard from Stefan?

[Elena ponders this last question.]

: You okay?: Yeah, I've just got this weird feeling like something bad's about to happen.: Well, it is. You're leaving tomorrow. You're trading all this for communal showers and a meal plan.: Can't you just be a normal boyfriend and support me as I attempt to have a normal college experience?: I'd rather ply you with champagne and spend the night convincing you to stay.

[Elena giggles as Damon leans in to kiss her. He pauses before he gets up and leaves the room. Elena's smile fades before she sighs and pulls up the contact list on her phone. Her thumb hovers over "Stefan", but after a few seconds she puts her phone aside and submerges herself in bath water. The camera pans over to a similar view of Stefan, trapped in the safe underwater, as he regains consciousness and begins struggling again.]

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